Just_a_fan wrote: β20 Apr 2017, 19:10
Chuckjr wrote: β20 Apr 2017, 18:19
Does F4 have the same front impact structure requirements as F1? We all know the struggle F1 teams have meeting that requirement...do F4 designers experience the same challenge?
The whole chassis, including the front and rear crash structures, is homologated by the FIA. The price of each component is also set by the FIA - the front crash structure is priced at Euro1550, the rear is Euro1400, for example. The British F4 championship uses the Mygale F4 chassis package which is apparently designed around the FIA's F3 safety requirements - one would expect that to be higher than F4.
I doubt the F3 or F4 crash structure requirements are as stringent as F1's because the speeds are lower and the cars are lighter.
I like to pick up on that.
First off, to get a better assessment of the crash, I rewatched the video of the crash. I'll leave a link here, but will not embed in the youtube tags as it's quite horrible and out of respect;
Next, I also tried to look up for info of the chassis. It's a Dome f110.
rear crash structure:
windtunnel model showing how long the front crash structure actually extends to the back:
Stripped down car to monocoque:
So watching the video, the car did not smash head first with its front crash structure into the rear crash structure of the car in front, but into the tyre (I believe). If it was a case of head on front to rear crash structure, the consequences might have panned out differently as there was effectively more structure to absorb the forces. Of course this is hindsight, and the natural reaction is to take evasive action.
The next thing is that the crash structure is quite big and bulky. While F1 struggled to meet the requirements because of its competitive nature, a F4 car which is the saem homologated car over the entire field, should not have any issues meeting the same requirements. As far as I can see the whole front crash structure got 'crumbled' into nothing (as far as I can see; I do not think the crash structure got ripped off instead). Also with the exception of perhaps a concussion Billy did not suffer a trauma to the brain, meaning the crash structure should have deaccelerated properly atleast. We saw with Bianchi too much deacceleration leads to a brain trauma.
So I'm not quite sure what transpired here that led to the critical damage to his legs. Possible hypotheses are:
-That the deaccelerates still was quite high. In that case the crash structure needs to be rethought.
-Sharp bodywork/suspension pieces penetrated the monocoque.
-The monocoque crumbled.
My feeling is that you are going to have to look at the monocoque. Something about it must have exposed Billy's legs directly to either the sheer forces, or flying around pieces. Normally the legs are completely sealed off the outside as the chassis bulkhead is closed off. Given my impression that the crash structure worked, the survival cell is at blame here. I could be absolutely wrong, but if his legs were not exposed he might have just ended up with broken bones in his legs.