Ron Dennis

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Re: Ron Dennis



i suggest you switch on the sarcasm detector before posting such a knee jerk post

happy to clear that one up sir

Joined: 12 Dec 2006, 21:58

Re: Ron Dennis


Ha ha sometimes the sarcasm is difficult to tell....sorry had a long day at work. It was definitely knee jerk, but we've all got to have a rant now and then :)

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Re: Ron Dennis


Thanks everybody for agreeing with me. We can conclude that the majority of this forum is:

a: agreeing dennis should leave F1
b: autosport is a mclaren pr magazine
c: british press in general are a bunch of xenophobic pro mclaren crying bunch of dogs howling in the forest.

As for spence: Mclaren tried to kick williams out of the results while they knew, or should have known, that the way of measuring was a: not in the car but the tank, and b: it was already under scrutiny at a technical wg meeting december 2006. Eventhough knowing these facts, they told the fia at spygate to ignore the facts and leave mclaren unpunished, while they asked the fia in the williams case to do the opposite. That was low and yes, on moral grounds. other grounds where not in the discussion. We should also not compare what ferrari does as it is not jean todts neck on the line, but ron dennis position. Also, dennis himself stated (at monaco 2007) he gave a direct TEAMORDER in melbourne 98 so me stating that they ASKED dc was perhaps way to midly put.

In conclusion, yes mclaren is the devils pawn. Thanks for agreeing on that. Have a nice day everyone!! Lets hope it will be a great battle between williams/renault and ferrrai for the title. As i dont care wether brit based media are patriotic, but most ignore williams and davidson/button and dc, the last one who happens to have more than twice the amount of racewins than crash happy lewis.

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Re: Ron Dennis


millerjam wrote:Ha ha sometimes the sarcasm is difficult to tell....sorry had a long day at work. It was definitely knee jerk, but we've all got to have a rant now and then :)
no worries mate, i fully understand =D> :mrgreen:

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Rob W
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Re: Ron Dennis


As usual, Autsport and Marca tell pretty different views on the same subject. All we need now is for The Bild to say Schumy is tipped to head McLaren and my day will be complete.

I wont believe Dennis has stood down until he says so. Sorry, but so many years of hearing news in F1 which turns out to be made-up by some head-line seeking journo should have given all of us a healthy level of skepticism on claims like the one made today about Dennis.


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Rob W
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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:Thanks everybody for agreeing with me. We can conclude that the majority of this forum is:...
No. No conclusion sorry. We're all free to think what we want - it just helps if, when we decide to type those thought, we use some level of structured argument to make our case. Emotions and allegiances are fine, but it makes an argument so much more credible and persuasive if they're not harped on about too much.

Dennis is the team boss. He is ultimately responsible for what happens within the team and the pervading culture. He should be ashamed of last year's antics for sure.

Unfortunately he is not just an employee who shareholders Mercedes can just fire when they're annoyed with him. He will bounce back and will prove his worth as an insanely driven, highly experienced operator in the F1 game. Whether he does that as the McLaren team boss is another thing.

Let's wait and see...


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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:Thanks everybody for agreeing with me. We can conclude that the majority of this forum is:

a: agreeing dennis should leave F1
b: autosport is a mclaren pr magazine
c: british press in general are a bunch of xenophobic pro mclaren crying bunch of dogs howling in the forest.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This thread is becoming a good entertainment!

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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:crash happy lewis.
We're talking here about the same guy who just finished in the points in his first 9 races yeah? Now that's one crash happy driver!

And no the british press aren't xenophobic etc etc, they're worse - they're nothing more than scum. Sorry to have to say it, but our press really are a bunch of to**ers. Well, most of them that is. I Know a few who aren't (Like certain members of this forum :D ) Others though, like - oooo, Piers Morgan springs to mind, need a good slap. lol :lol:
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Re: Ron Dennis


Here's what I don't understand: reports like these are as common as your morning piss, so why do all these teams, whoever it may be, keep wasting time coming up with these official denials? If I were Ron and someone from Marca came up to me and said 'we heard that Mercedes isn't happy with you and that they're moving you to a different position,' I would just say "I'm so glad you heard that, congratulations" or "You're a fantastic reporter, are you happy with your life?" or just laugh right in the dudes face...ok obviously don't take me too seriously here. I know that people have to behave in certain ways in F1 (Lewis does a bunch of acting if you ask me), but being so stiff about it only adds tension IMO.

I'm reminded of a scene in the movie "Clear and Present Danger" where the main character tells his boss that he should basically say the complete opposite of what the press is expecting him to say; to quote the movie "it would give them nothing to report" Why can't we do that in F1!! :mrgreen: :D Too many rumors!
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Re: Ron Dennis


Thats bcs clear and present danger isnt on the stock maret and mercedes is. And every fart in the wrong direction affects the value of the stock, costing them loads of money. The phrase no such thing as bad publicity, is therefore only a good oneliner in samuel L jackson movies, not in real life ;)
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Re: Ron Dennis


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
P_O_L wrote:crash happy lewis.
We're talking here about the same guy who just finished in the points in his first 9 races yeah? Now that's one crash happy driver!

. lol :lol:

That was with Alonsos setup ;) Afterwards it all went downhill.

BTW, hows your take on the Suns claim that Heiki will have to play second fiddle to 'british sensation' lewis this year? Hue n cry when alonso suposedly demanded number one status but before the season starts already disregard the fin and tell him to be number 2 driver?
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Re: Ron Dennis


That was with Alonsos setup ;) Afterwards it all went downhill.
Indeed. maybe Alonso' not as good as we all think if he is thrashed with his own setup and to add insult to injury, by a mere rookie?
BTW, hows your take on the Suns claim that Heiki will have to play second fiddle to 'british sensation' lewis this year?
No F1 fan I know takes any notice of what the sun says about F1 (well about anything for that matter). The Sun just writes uninformed rubbish or whatever they like probably to wind up marca readers and the like I guess
Last edited by mcdenife on 29 Feb 2008, 13:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:Dennis being sacked would be a good day for F1, no doubt.
Actually Ron Dennis has helped build F1 to what it is today, and with it his team, which happens to be one of the most successful in Formula One history.

I think we must all agree that last year's Alonso-Hamilton debacle was a farce but an interesting one. It's been quite some time that I have seen such animosity between two drivers of the same team, dragging along the management of the team itself. Surely Ron may have handled the situation better, and as Flavio said: "If Dennis is good at handling Southern drivers, he surely must have lost his manual".

People do get things wrong but it doesn't mean that Ron Dennis isn't an asset to Formula One, or even more to his team.

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Re: Ron Dennis


P_O_L wrote:BTW, hows your take on the Suns claim that Heiki will have to play second fiddle to 'british sensation' lewis this year?
Exactly as mcdenife said. I take no notice of what the sun has to say. For two reason's:
1. Its owned by that corrupt clown rupert murdock
2. It's the embodiment of whats wrong with the british press.

There's no reason for Heikki to play second fiddle to Lewis atm. And vise versa. Personally I think the same as I always think about the equal driver matter. Firstly I think it doesn't work too well if you have two very good drivers (Lewis - Alonso, and Senna - Prost are a couple good examples). But if I was team principle with two "Equal Number one Drivers" my view would be that for either driver to warrent preferable treatment (i.e - Number one Status) he has to earn it based on his performances for me on track.

If Lewis regularly outpaces Heikki, he's number one. If Heikki outpaces Lewis, he is. And if it's too close to call then they get equal treatment, and either one of them can whine and complain all they like lol.
Tomba wrote:Actually Ron Dennis has helped build F1 to what it is today, and with it his team, which happens to be one of the most successful in Formula One history.
=D> Bravo!
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Re: Ron Dennis


Well said Spence. But we have to tread carefully lest it be claimed we are somehow affiliated to autosport and, by convoluted extension, Mclaren and therefore....nah!... that would be a leap of unimaginably epic proportions...but then again......OMG!!!..surely not Ron Dennis...but then again, why stop there? why not as far as Hamilton........hey wait a minute, Tomba, are you in any way, shape or form related to......'British press'??

Sorry guys...but its Friday and not long to go to Oz season opener
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

The noblest of dogs is the hot dog. It feeds the hand that bites it.