Ferrari aren't gonna walk it

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Ferrari aren't gonna walk it



Overheating, rumors were right.

Massa should loose super license. What an amateur.

Joined: 28 Feb 2006, 21:26

Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


Massa without traction control looks like he's driving in the wet, but the contact with Coulthard was not his fault; he was there and should have been given room. At most, it was a racing incident.

But I do completely agree that Ferrari looked terrible today. Wretched performance all around.

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it



Not a single Ferrari engine finished the race and Malaysia is only a week away, it doesn't look good at all. Ferrari are looking like Mclaren in 2004,

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


I was angry at Massa at first sight, because he wasn't in front, so he's the one that should have backed, but on the replay his overtaking attempt seemed quite clean. At least it looked better than Raikonen's desperate moves. The Finn was really in Sato-style mode today. (Double thinking about it, it looks like both finns overheated today.)

Felipe took the inside line, and braked later. It's normally a good way to overtake, but the Red Bull had just as much grip on the outside line to carry some more speed, so in the end both drivers found themselves in the same place at the same moment.

I'd say it's racing incident. FM was right to try the move, but circumstances just made it impossible to concede position in time.

And LOL at at the topic. I know for sure there's a troll crying somewhere...

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


bhallg2k wrote:Massa without traction control looks like he's driving in the wet
What naturally follows - Massa without traction control on wet looks like he's driving on the ice. :mrgreen:

Great shame for Bourdais, Kubica and Heikki. Bourdais can fight for WDC in top car as we speak. It's a shame to waste time in STR. He's the man of the race.

Safety car really sucks and that corner where Glock got airborne has somehow shamefully passed circuit licensing. Really big minus for race organizers and FIA personnel in charge of circuit safety. Almost identical accident but on much lower speed as Kubica's in Canada 2007.

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


McLaren 1
Ferrari 0 =D>

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


I was very disappointed,

I'm Kimi fan, Kimi So good driving but 1 big mistake..

in addition, engine was gone~~

I still believe this is not ferrari position

They will improve car reliabilities,

but I worry about Malaisia GP, just one week remain.. too short, improve the car :(
My English is not good sorry..

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


Bad luck came again for Raikkonen :?: I already feel sympathy for him . What a 2007 season end and what a 2008 season start for him :!:

just a correction 2 mistakes ,one of them big (new rules helped for the 2nd one )
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Rob W
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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


Did everyone love what Coulthard said about Massa to Louise Goodman? :lol:

"If he doesn't (own up to causing the crash) then I will kick... the sh*t out of the little bastard. ..." or something to that effect.

Coulthard = F1 comedy


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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


DC is our flying pig :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

I hope DC fans don't mind and take it as a joke
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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


I think if I was Webber I'd just quit. The guy just has no luck. :(

Really please that Williams secured 8 WCC points and Nico a podium. :D

Kimi was wild and jungle boy was wilder lol Can't wait for a hot day in Malaysia :)

Heikki should have been second, but that would have demoted Nico...

All in all great race, I was stunned at the attrition rate, and it's probably a lesson to those taht got too excited at the start that if they'd just err'd on the side of caution they could have gotten a result...
- Axle

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


manchild wrote:Safety car really sucks and that corner where Glock got airborne has somehow shamefully passed circuit licensing.
Isn't that the exact same spot where Michael Schumacher pretty much did the same thing in 2006?

Joined: 17 Feb 2006, 11:27

Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


no, michael schumacher understeered into the wall at the final corner in 2006

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02

Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


Obviously, this thread is a response to a previous thread where it was assumed Ferrari had already won the title before the season had even begun. A little presumptious and arrogant, and in the end, incorrect. This is racing, anything can and usually does happen. The slightest mistake can ruin an entire weeekend, and it takes a near-perfect weekend to secure a win. Somehow, and I would love to be a fly on the wall in the Ferrari debrief, but between Friday practice and Saturday morning something went wrong, and Ferrari as a team never recovered. Massa had zero confidence in his car or himself, and Kimi somehow struggled with failed equipment.
Please, everyone take this senior's advice because I've seen this countless times. Don't count your chickens until the finishing order is formally announced. Then, and only then can you celebrate.
Racing should be decided on the track, not the court room.

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Re: Ferrari aren't gonna walk it


Manchild: =D> HA! HA! :lol:
I posted in the "Ferrari its gonna walk it" before the race but didnt wanna create a topic.

Dave: second that and =D>

A popular said in motor racing: "The race doesn´t finish till the checked cloth falls"

Luca Montezemolo said: "this is a bath of humility"
Well said Luca!
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