you have got to be kidding me

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Joined: 04 Feb 2008, 23:24

you have got to be kidding me


Mclaren really act like a bunch of clowns. Politicians. They tell their drivers to slow down to ridiculous speeds, are unable to guide them and tell ehm in advance 2 fast cars are aproaching where all the others did, get penalised and now claim to hope for new rules wich forbid their own tactics? The bullshit in that grey and black team stacks so high you need wings to stay above.

Why cant that team please for once, be a little honest?
Last Tango In Paris

Joined: 21 Jun 2007, 23:49
Location: UK

Re: you have got to be kidding me


Dear P_O_L

Your constant unabridged vitriolic criticism of McLaren is quite frankly puerile, annoying and pointless.

I have no problem with passion. I do not, however, see you as passionate as your attitude is constantly negative and quite often bizarre with respect to the level of hate you have towards Ron Dennis, as a person, and the McLaren team as a whole.

I'm not the only person here who would kindly ask you to tone down your posts, and keep them within the ethos of F1T - a technical discussion forum about F1 as a whole and not a soap box for McLaren haters.

BTW - in regards to your post, this has been covered in another thread.
. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5333&p=71082#p71082
Tripos Media Partners

Joined: 22 Jun 2004, 14:45
Location: Norfolk, UK

Re: you have got to be kidding me


Not taking the bait.
- Axle

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Joined: 19 Aug 2002, 18:32
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Re: you have got to be kidding me


P_O_L, your crusade against McLaren is going nowhere really.

The drivers have admitted they were wrong, the team admitted as such and would like to prevent it from happening again. A new rule as suggested could solve it.

And yes... we should be happy for that. ;)