True, but then you might get a PM from a certain someone telling you to mind your own business.axle wrote:Don't forget the Red ! at the top right of all the posts that annoy you folks
And you'd figure that with the addition of new moderators the amount of junk that goes on in many of the current threads would decrease even just a bit. I understand that this site allows a large amount of freedom of speech, but when some members in particular can't stop trolling and mainly spreading negative words the line of "freedom of speech" gets crossed (IMO).
It mighe be due to that fact the no one with "autority" has spoken to him/her/them about their post content. Since I, just another member with no autority whatsoever ,certainly has, to only have no effect on the situation.
And I'm certain that I am not the only member who is tired of these trolling members with "hating" agendas. If the people with autority around here would be kind enough to do something about it (at least talking to the them politely) it would most certainly be of great appreciation.
These are sincere feelings about what is going on around here, I know that I probably shouldn't take it so personally, but the only reason for why I visit this site is to be informed about what goes on in Formula 1, and it's a reason shared with many others as well. So times like this certainly make coming here a bore.
.....Without disrespect, what is the point of having new moderators? And when will their new positions actually be noticed? Is part of their duty to keep the threads in "check"?.....
So I reiterate my wish once again to whoever might be able to do the "job"; please take the time and effort to keep this site clean and maintain a positive ambiance for all to enjoy

...BTW, I mean this in the most positive of ways.
[/rant over]
West, actually there were WMD's in Iraq, but were made illegal only after the destruction of opposition in Australia '07.