I've just had time to skim the exacting posts of P_O_L and have noticed a pattern of challenge

for authentication of fact which is not reciprocated

in that his statements are not accompanied by reference, which is confusing, considering his habitual, constant appeal/standard -- called "SHOW ME"

I do hope members will desist from all such submissions exhibiting this repeated....AHHH

insufficiency of authoritative documentation ( Yeah - Thats the Ticket )
I am very sure P_O_L will happily document all further statements contributed to the F1Technical Forum. I do hope he will excuse me from responding to any and all of his future requests, as this one time submission is only intended as an example of research that I am very sure will prompt him to offer sources for his every opinion. May I draw the Forum's attention to my body of posts offering particular attention to the effectiveness of sighting original material. May I say I very much admire P_O_L's rejection of empty braggadocio for fact, a member that is certainly a credit to the F1Technical Forum.
Ferrari Revenue Parcel 2007 -- 100M

http://www.autoblog.com/2008/02/08/scud ... ge-needed/

Please note that annum duration is delineated as a variable of renumeration.
Q: How much do the teams get for winning races?
A: The FIA doesn't get involved in money, which is controlled by
Bernie through what used to be called FOCA. I believe that the
Concorde Agreement describes the "prize money" for each race,
and I think there are payments for the leading teams at quarter,
half, three-quarter and full distance. Maybe something for most
laps led too?
The revenue from TV rights is partially distributed to teams using
a points system derived from historical performances. As I understand
it points are awarded for:
* Placing in the constructor's championship (last 3 years)

* Number of years in F1 (1 year = 4 points, 10 years = 165 points

[Ferrari 50 yrs = 1200 points])
* Constructor's titles (25 points each)
* Constructor's championship points (last 2 years x 2)
* " " 2 (all-time / 10)
* Number of wins (last 2 years, 10 points each)
* All-time number of wins (1 point each)
Teams with points get a proportional share of the money. There is
also a separate pool of money distributed based on the previous
years constructor's championship. The *size* of the total payout
(reportedly 47% of TV revenues, nothing from the sanctioning fees
and other income realized by Bernie) was one of the issues behind
the breakaway manufacturers' movement (see next question).
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.auto ... fd7f444af2
EDIT - Personal opinion removed.
Please note this post makes no reference to factual bonus renumeration offered Ferrari although it may suggest that this formula is a partial accounting of Television Revenue distribution and that additional monies are given to The Red Squad
The revenue from TV rights is PARTIALY DISTRIBUTED to teams using
a points system derived from historical performances. As I understand
it points are awarded for: