Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?

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Militia Est Vita
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


His head should be delivered in a silver plate to us fans, and then exposed at the entrance of the FIA HQ's as an example :twisted:
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


If Mosley resigns or gets fired (what I expect can happen every day now), who is up for the position of FIA President?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


donskar wrote:2) Mosley's indiscretion is now public knowledge. For example, it was mentioned yesterday on a USA sports talk show broadcast nationwide - a show that gives auto racing AT MOST 5% of its time.

3) How can any of you think those same corporations would NOT want to FLEE from any association with F1 and Max? (Rightly or wrongly, in the public domain the two are inextricably linked.
That would be a nice conclusion if there was anything wrong about having sex parties for 5 hours with 5 hookers. As reports go, he paid £25,000 for that, so he didn't exactly steal anything...

As motor racing values go, "virility" and "daring" aren't exactly concepts foreign to the ones usually promoted - even drivers are usually apreciated as sexual daredevils. OK, they are hookers - but they didn't seem that shabby to me...

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Principessa wrote:If Mosley resigns or gets fired (what I expect can happen every day now), who is up for the position of FIA President?
Like I said before, it could be Jean Todt.. He's available..
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Dumrick wrote:
That would be a nice conclusion if there was anything wrong about having sex parties for 5 hours with 5 hookers. As reports go, he paid £25,000 for that, so he didn't exactly steal anything...
If theres nothing wrong, why is he apologising? Put it in context (ie of Max/FIA and their image).
As motor racing values go, "virility" and "daring" aren't exactly concepts foreign to the ones usually promoted - even drivers are usually apreciated as sexual daredevils. OK, they are hookers - but they didn't seem that shabby to me...
A driver can get away with this but Max is not a driver, he is the President of the FIA.
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Principessa wrote:If Mosley resigns or gets fired (what I expect can happen every day now), who is up for the position of FIA President?
I think he should be replaced by three. That way we would avoid the unilateral decision making abuses seen in the past.

Eddie Jordan, Gordon Murray and Jackie Stewart sound good? That way on this tri-lateral commision we would have an owner/manager, a designer and a driver and equally weigh in on the sports decision making.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Militia Est Vita wrote:then exposed at the entrance :twisted:
He's already exposed his entrance..............

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


RH1300S wrote:
Militia Est Vita wrote:then exposed at the entrance :twisted:
He's already exposed his entrance..............
Well more of an exit than an entrance :lol:
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Mad Max has called an Extraordinary General Assembly of the FIA due to his sex scandal..



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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Well, now the practical side:
1) The Committee of the FIA shall consist of the President of the FIA, the President of the Senate, the members of the World Council for Automobile Mobility and Tourism and the members of the World Motor Sport Council, including the respective Deputy Presidents; the two World Councils may meet separately. However, whenever the President considers it to be necessary, and at least once a year, he. shall call a meeting of the Committee.

If, in the course of his term of office, the President of the FIA is permanently prevented from fulfilling his duties, or if he resigns, the Senate shall convene an Extraordinary General Assembly for the election of the President alone, to be held no less than 2 months and no more than 4 months from the date of such prevention or resignation.

This Extraordinary General Assembly shall elect, for the remainder of that term of office, the President of the FIA from among the candidates that the FIA member clubs will propose to fill that position. This residual term of office shall not count as a term of office for the purposes of the last sentence of Article 19.

If, in the course of his term of office, a Member of the Committee or of any other body of the FIA should cease to belong to the delegation of his Club, Association or Federation, the term of office of this Member would be terminated ipso facto.
Extraordinary General Assembly

The President of the FIA has requested the President of the FIA Senate to call an Extraordinary General Assembly in accordance with the provisions of the FIA statutes.

The full membership of the FIA will be invited to attend the meeting at which the widespread publicity following an apparently illegal invasion of the FIA President’s privacy will be discussed.

The FIA has noted that Mr Mosley is preparing legal proceedings against the newspaper in question.

It is anticipated that the meeting will take place in Paris. It will be held on the earliest practicable date. No further comment will be made by the FIA regarding the matter at this stage.
http://www.fia.com/mediacentre/Press_Re ... 08-01.html

I give Mosley eight weeks, that is this thing will drag until June.

All my votes are with my "friend" Nick Craw. He has sent me in person the list of official FIA tracks for the last three years.

How cool is that guy? Super-cool: how cool you have to be to become president of the Peace Corps, the Sailing Association AND NHRA? He is a DRIVER, for heaven's sake. He is not crazy, like Jordan, and I think this is an important requisite for the position. He has won more races in a BMW than anybody else (in North America).

ACCUS rules! :) No more europeans heading the FIA! Globalization! Revolution! Neutrality! Some other guy different from the old guard! Less perverts in charge and more Peace Corps presidents! More exclamation signs!!!!!! More signs!!!!! I really love exclamation signs!!!! :D

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


The Peace Corps Act declares the purpose of the Peace Corps to be:

“to promote world peace and friendship through a Peace Corps, which shall make available to interested countries and areas men and women of the United States qualified for service abroad and willing to serve, under conditions of hardship if necessary, to help the peoples of such countries and areas in meeting their needs for trained manpower.”


The program officially has three goals:

To help the people of interested countries and areas in meeting their needs for trained workers
To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served
To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans
So this guy knows how to spy, doesn´t he? Maybe we wont see another spygate with him...

I only hope F1 wont race in ovals with customer chasis with him... because you know... he is from US...

I love three dots, it gives some suspence... and time to think...
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I'm not sure if this has already been posted, I ought to get on with my car really than researching the latest F1 gossip but heres the video http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=x6CoQ4WE3DM I'm not going to tell you my opinion on the matter, I just feel that for any of you to be able to decide your own stance you need to at least see the video. Which to be fair could well have been cut to make it look even worse, the News of the world isn't the most reliable source.

Having watched it though im not sure it could be cut in a way to make it look much worse than it really is.

Another thought I just had was what would you all have said had you have found that a driver had been doing all of this, say coulthard for arguments sake? would he still get the same treatment?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


gcdugas wrote:We have only seen the tip of this particular iceberg. If those who "set him up" are as organized as they appear, if they are "funded by clients unknown", then we can expect very detailed footage from a room filled with secret cameras and microphones. We can expect the heat to be incrementally turned up until Max cries "enough". His absence from Bahrain is just the beginning. Certainly he won't be able to go to Germany. I expect him to resign as soon as the heat is turned up by corporate big wigs. BMW and Mercedes will agitate for him removal in a discrete way. It is politically unpalatable to defend Max's dungeon antics since he is the son of a famous Nazi sympathizer (whether or not the S&M had Nazi overtones).

I know it is in bad taste to quote yourself and say: "I told you so.", but.......

All is going down a very predictable path. And it is predictable that Max, who has been recalcitrant for years now, will go down kicking and screaming.

So far it can be argued that Max's actions haven't sullied F1, they have sullied only him. It is F1's response to all of this that has the potential to sully F1. If Max is removed, willingly or unwillingly, then F1 can hold its head up with respect. If F1 allows Max to remain because of sophisticated parliamentary wrangling and maneuvers, it will suffer greatly. There is too much at stake for that to happen. He will be forced out and soon.

Let us not forget the upcoming Spanish GP where the FIA is going to unveil it "Racing Against Racism" initiative. Spot of tea for that one Max?

By calling for an "Extraordinary Meeting", which the FIA rules say cannot happen sooner that eight weeks time, Max thinks he has bought enough time for the storm to pass. Max may be well versed in the court system but he is woefully ignorant of how things work in the "court of public opinion". Even facts aren't relevant Max, if there is a widespread perception of a notion, then that is what matters.

I do not deify anyone as "all powerful", but if this thing is being driven in any way by Murdoch because of Max's conflict with the Times, then he will get crushed and Max alone can choose the duration. Given his proclivity for masochism, I would say that Max is in for a good and protracted thrashing.

It is the divine pattern that tyrants get consumed in ways that parallel their own abuses. The Gov. of New York was taken down by wickedly invasive financial reporting laws which uncovered his call girl activities. Hamon was hung by the gallows that he prepared for Mordecai. And so it goes. That Max is abused as the "victim" of an invasion of his privacy is only fitting.
superstring wrote:Max Mosley is a mean-spirited sanctimonious prick who delights in lording it over others. It's a shame that so few in the motorsports community have had the balls to stand up to him. I'd rather he were removed based on his policies, but if this is what it takes to get rid of him, so be it.
Herein is righteous indignation. In the end Max is only getting what is coming to him. Even Bernie has hung him out to dry saying:
Ecclestone declared to the British newspaper 'The Times': "If he starts to sue, from what I understand, the chances of him winning would be slim and, the trouble is, it's just a lot more ink for the press.

"If Max was in bed with two hookers, they'd say 'good for you' or something like that, but this, as it is, people find it repulsive. I think that's the problem."
Oh to be a fly on the wall of Ron Dennis' office, of Eduard Michelin's office, of Paul Stoddardt's office, of Jackie Stewart's offce, of Tony George's office and of all the countless people that Max has screwed! I have in mind the jubilant image of Ron Dennis on the Melbourne pit wall when Heikki overtook Alonso.

In the end Max will be all alone and fully disgraced. And I have to chuckle at the full irony of divine providence. We are in for a good slow roasting. Bon Appetite!

As an after thought... surely Mrs. Mosley knew something was up. How else could Max explain all those lash marks and welts?
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Ted68 wrote:I think he should be replaced by three. That way we would avoid the unilateral decision making abuses seen in the past.

Eddie Jordan, Gordon Murray and Jackie Stewart sound good? That way on this tri-lateral commision we would have an owner/manager, a designer and a driver and equally weigh in on the sports decision making.
The trio doesn't sound legally possible at the moment, does it? However I think EJ is way too funky for the job :) What abou Tony Purnell? He seemed like a very-very smart and progressive guy.
Mad Max wrote:The full membership of the FIA will be invited to attend the meeting at which the widespread publicity following an apparently illegal invasion of the FIA President’s privacy will be discussed.
which stands for "Come around for some beer, folks. I'll tell you all the hottest details missing on that vid" :lol:

@ Belatti - I'm with you on this one.... dots rock :wink:

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


modbaraban wrote:What abou Tony Purnell? He seemed like a very-very smart and progressive guy.

No way! He is as crooked as they come. Clicky

If you see Purnell's name or that of Richard Woods, then you know the fix is in.
Innovation over refinement is the prefered path to performance. -- Get rid of the dopey regs in F1