Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


gcdugas wrote:
modbaraban wrote:What abou Tony Purnell? He seemed like a very-very smart and progressive guy.

No way! He is as crooked as they come. Clicky

If you see Purnell's name or that of Richard Woods, then you know the fix is in.

A certified half-wit who dresses funny could return some of the lost luster to F1. Stewart for FIA President.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


gcdugas wrote: Oh to be a fly on the wall of [snip] Paul Stoddardt's office,
This is from the BBC website..
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... 328018.stm

Former F1 team owner Paul Stoddart told BBC Sport on Thursday that Mosley had no choice but to resign.

"He has to go," said Stoddart, who had a series of disagreements with Mosley when he owned the Minardi team, which was bought by Red Bull in 2005.

"Anyone in public office cannot survive a scandal like this.

"Mosley is actually dragging the FIA down into the gutter and until he goes it will have no credibility.

"Part of his job is to meet with world leaders and already we have seen instances where people are refusing to meet him.

"You cannot hold a job which is an international job, a multi-million pound enterprise that deals at government level, if your own personal credibility is tarnished, as his is."

Rather restrained for PS! :lol:
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


gcdugas wrote: Oh to be a fly on the wall of Ron Dennis' office, of Eduard Michelin's office, of Paul Stoddardt's office, of Jackie Stewart's offce, of Tony George's office and of all the countless people that Max has screwed! I have in mind the jubilant image of Ron Dennis on the Melbourne pit wall when Heikki overtook Alonso.
Not that I'm a Max fan, I'll be glad if he's out, but since I read the first news on this scandal, I couldn't help to think that some of those guys had something to do with the video going to the hands of News of the world.

Max sureley has made lots of enemies and why not think they set him up? Nice payback 8)
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I find it all rather boring and bad for mosleys family.

What had me in stitches though, was The Great Hamiltons contribution to all this:

"Hamilton backed the four car manufacturers who on Thursday sided against Mosley, whose continuing position at the helm of the global motoring organisation is beginning to seem untenable.

"I totally agree with what they were saying," Hamilton is quoted as saying in Bahrain by The Sun. "The key is to set a good example. We all, especially the young people, we're always looking up to at least someone to show us the way.

"Setting a good example is the best way of saying it. ""

While in the meantime...:

"A French court this week fined Hamilton nearly 600 euros for speeding 66kmh above the limit (196kmh in a 130kmh zone) on a motorway near Laon before last Christmas.

He explained: "I think everyone makes mistakes.

"I'm young and this is part of my life that for me, in my position, and being a potential role model for lots of young kids, setting a good example is one of our top priorities.""

What an utter, utter utter hypocrite statement from hamilton. It was so ridiculous i simply had to laugh about it. But, since his statement that he didnt want to win in court while that was just what the mclaren lawyers asked of the fia, what else can you expect from this guy.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Militia Est Vita wrote:Max sureley has made lots of enemies and why not think they set him up? Nice payback 8)
Call me crazy or high, but I don't think one of his enemies did it. Something this private has to be done by someone close to him. Of cause I've nothing to based this on, but I were to use that kind of special service, you would try really hard to hide this from your enemies. On the other hand you might bullshit about it over a beer with your friends. "Dude, this hen house I go, the chicks are totally hot." Now some food for thought, who is in need of a job, have the influence for the job and might know a thing or two about Max? Don't know how many of you worked directly with executive types (CEO/CFO...) before, but boy, when they're out for number 1, the backstabbing they do reminds me a lot about this.

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


I'll try to resume a long, long article on Mosley at SportsPro. http://www.sportspromedia.com/mosley.htm "The guile of President Mosley".

The article states that since 2002 his relationship with Richard Woods and Tony Purnell started and a close friend described it as “homoerotic”.

Blames Purnell for the changes that have amazed all us in the last years. Claims that Thiessen opposed to engine changes but was threatened with an unfavorable report on the BMW 5 series.

Quotes Stoddart saying "He changed to become a dictator...” and that Stoddardt was a "fanatical" supporter of Mosley before 2004.

I quote: It is believed he received a gratis payment from Bernie Ecclestone of US$300 million as a token of his appreciation....

Calls amazing nonsense Mosley declaration about "... have been advised that a fatal accident in a race event under FIA jurisdiction within the European Union could result in his arrest... Of course it would have been embarrassing should Ecclestone’s payment to him have become public."

Also calls a "pure farce" his 2004 resignation and comeback and attributes it to the fact that "it was the first time in 13 years that he had lost a vote" on some minor karting issue. Explains that he "squashed" the opposition and that "the two ringleaders of the revolt... Jacques Regis and Yvon Leon, were then quietly disposed of over the following two years."

Explains that "he hatched a scheme with Woods and Purnell to completely take over Formula One" because "it was known that Mosley had Ferrari in his pocket", that the "Formula One Commission was neutered completely" and that "Mosley had complete control of Formula One" in an "extraordinary performance".

He says that "People who have dealt with him say his word is not always his bond.... Mosley feels that people of his ‘pedigree’ don’t seek elected office... he persuaded others such as Marco Piccinini to “slum” with him to make the job more bearable". So he calls him a liar. Goes into quoting unnamed sources that say “He leads his whole life in an immoral way” and that “In his relationships with people, he is fundamentally dishonest". Claims that a team principal said “He lies with greater conviction that he tells the truth, that’s why he is so good at what he does.

With full venom says that journalist Richard Williams in a major interview in the Guardian newspaper, called him “curiously boyish”. :)

Explains that the "situation with his wife prompts gossip". Claims that "no one inside Formula One has ever met Jean Mosley and she has never been photographed in the 37 years her husband has been involved in the sport". Explains that she "has never attended a race or social occasion with her husband... studiously avoided being photographed" and that "she is said to live alone in France, as her husband lives alone in Monaco". About his sons, Mr. Rubython explains that they "have also never been photographed" and that one of them "dabbles in the internet from a mews house in west London". He adds that "Patrick and Alexander Mosley take great offence whenever the nature of the relationship of their mother and father is mentioned in the media".

Complains about "the amazing events that happened between 2003 and 2006, which have gone into history known as “the Mosley flip-flop”" when Mosley said that "Formula One would be better off without the car manufacturers". The article alleges that Mosley "was merely a convenient platform" for Ecclestone's views.

Says that "Ecclestone was privately appalled by Mosley’s lack of judgement about people". Adds that "one observer of the period described it as “akin to a borrower getting his best friend appointed as manager of the bank he had borrowed from”".

Claims that Ecclestone tricked Ballestre into thinking he was going to win and meanwhile "Ecclestone bluntly told FIA voting countries that held a Grand Prix, such as Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Australia and Japan, they would lose their races unless Mosley got their vote", that "convinced Balestre he was supporting his election whilst secretly campaigning for Mosley".

Says it's fishy that "Mosley’s election made no sense in financial terms... So how was Mosley to subsist? That is a question that has never satisfactorily been answered".

It also explains that (and I'm sure it's true) that the deal with APM, partly owned in secret by Ecclestone, was "kept secret.... until it was uncovered by an investigative team from the BBC television programme, Panorama, in 1998".

Accuses Mosley of settling with APM for "barely two per cent of what the FIA could have received if it had kept the 30 per cent Balestre originally negotiated" and that Mosley "sold out for peanuts... and then he proceeded to repeat his mistake for the next agreement, which was done this time directly with Ecclestone’s Formula One Administration Ltd".

Says that "All in all, from these three agreements with APM, the FIA lost around US$1.7 billion in revenues that it would have received from its 30 per cent.". Explains that Mosley wanted to sue the program "but Bernie said it wasn’t worth it.” and that he "couldn’t take the chance of all these secret agreements being brought out into the open".

One observer quoted says: “Only a halfwit with no financial knowledge would have signed those three deals. They handed Ecclestone and McNally nearly US$2 billion of the FIA’s cash" and that "despite all this largesse towards Ecclestone, Mosley was re-elected with ease in the FIA presidency elections of 1997, 2001 and 2005."

Quotes Karel van Miert, EU commisioner, calling FIA "the worst example of monopoly abuse he had ever seen... but then Van Miert was toppled as competition commissioner and replaced by Mario Monti" and they "hand sole control of that to Ecclestone". Says that "Mosley had by then turned the FIA World Motorsport Council into what one wag famously called “a squad of nodding donkeys”.

Says that "an intelligent businessman would have asked why the contract wasn’t being put out to tender. It was a question that seemingly the WMSC never appeared to ask."
Finally, attributes indirectly Mosley's fall to the fact that the "fallout from the McLaren affair was huge. Mosley created a dangerous cadre of enemies in British motorsport who felt Dennis had been treated appallingly."

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


The Top Ten Reasons why Max Mosley should remain in office.

#10 He was just brushing up on his German.

#9 He is a certified half-o-chist who dresses funny.

#8 He really made an ass out of himself.

#7 Max set the fastest slap of the orgy at 0.0023 seconds.

#6 Max tried Nazi-ism once before but he didn't inhale.

#5 Max is going out with a bang.

#4 Max did not whip that woman, Miss Hitlerinsky.

#3 Mr. Mosley is seeking his Mistress's permission for that.

#2 Max can sue your pants off.

And the #1 reason Max should stay is........ drumroll ........

"It won't be the last time he is bent over that bench."
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Rob W
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Ciro Pabón wrote:I'll try to resume a long, long article on Mosley at SportsPro. http://www.sportspromedia.com/mosley.htm "The guile of President Mosley".
Just read that Ciro and can say, without doubt, the first half of that story is one of the most misleading pieces of F1 writing I've read. It contains so many assumptions/guesses which it then goes on to base arguments. It's a tabloid piece at best.

Some of it may be totally true but to make claims like BMW only went along with the engine change from 3 to 2.4L just because Max threatened to "interfere" with the safety rating of the new BMW M5 is ludicrous. This sort of claim undermines the rest of the true/factual parts of the story.

Saying he planned (with Purnell and Woods) to "completely take over Formula One" - which he already ran completely (from a sporting side at least).=D>

Claiming of the F1 team that "without a guaranteed entry in 2008 the contracts could suddenly have been worthless and been cancelled." - The writer simplifies a massive commercial arrangement which he knows probably not a single actual detail of... and says they'll be cancelled. :roll: There are dozens if not hundreds of factors in that situation which would have been considered first - and with over a year to negotiate, change etc.

As for no-one having met or photographed his wife.. What's the crime? Maybe she's a private person. The way it's written there is as if they're hiding something sinister - perhaps she's just shy and hates the public eye. Does anyone know what Shania Twain's husband looks like? Does that mean he's dodgy?

The second half of that article was a lot more interesting imo.

Few disagree that Max acts like a knob quote often - either in actions or just his tone in interviews. And he likes to get chained/whipped. He stands his ground no matter how much his position annoys the F1 teams. He pursues seemingly vindictive causes... There really is enough info about him to not even need to make up stuff like the SportsPro article.


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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Rob W wrote:
Ciro Pabón wrote:I'll try to resume a long, long article on Mosley at SportsPro. http://www.sportspromedia.com/mosley.htm "The guile of President Mosley".
Just read that Ciro and can say, without doubt, it is one of the most misleading pieces of F1 writing I have seen. It contains so many assumptions/guesses which it then goes on to base arguments. It's a tabloid piece at best.

Some of it may be totally true but to make claims like BMW only went along with the engine change from 3 to 2.4L just because Max threatened to "interfere" with the safety rating of the new BMW M5 is ludicrous. This sort of claim undermines the rest of the true/factual parts of the story.

Saying he planned (with Purnell and Woods) to "completely take over Formula One" - which he already ran completely (from a sporting side at least).=D>

Claiming of the F1 team that "without a guaranteed entry in 2008 the contracts could suddenly have been worthless and been cancelled." - The writer simplifies a massive commercial arrangement which he knows probably not a single actual detail of... and says they'll be cancelled. :roll: There are dozens if not hundreds of factors in that situation which would have been considered first - and with over a year to negotiate, change etc.

As for no-one having met or photographed his wife.. What's the crime? Maybe she's a private person. The way it's written there is as if they're hiding something sinister - perhaps she's just shy and hates the public eye. Does anyone know what Shania Twain's husband looks like? Does that mean he's dodgy?

Max acts like a knob. He likes to get whipped. He stands his ground no matter how much his position annoys the competing F1 teams. He pursues seemingly vindictive causes - and wins (as in the McLaren spygate cause). There really is enough info about him to not even need to make up stuff like the SportsPro article.

Mutt Lange. Famous for his production of Def Leppard and a few other multi-platinum artists. Very shy, and not a spotlight personality.

But point taken!


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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Rob W wrote: As for no-one having met or photographed his wife.. What's the crime? Maybe she's a private person. The way it's written there is as if they're hiding something sinister - perhaps she's just shy and hates the public eye. Does anyone know what Shania Twain's husband looks like? Does that mean he's dodgy?

Isn't her husband Tim McGraw?

Oops sorry off-topic!! :shock: :mrgreen:

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


Rob W wrote:...
The second half of that article was a lot more interesting imo.
Thanks, Rob W, good analysis. What do you think of Mr. Rubython description of the FIA-FOMA agreement? All the personal attacks on Mosley in the "second half" pale in comparison with the accusation of having given a gift of almost 2 billions to Mr. Ecclestone and implying that Mr. Mosley is basically an employee of Mr. Ecclestone. It seems here emerges a pattern: a secretive family, parents that are a shame for you, an extraordinary sex-life, no income: not a strong person, if you ask me. FIA has had no power of negotiation with Mosley in charge, hence its lack money. Moreover, hence its lack of a clear goal, which in my opinion should be safety, not greener cars.

Todt's idoneity has to be judged in that respect: the need to know his allegiances to car manufacturers (Ferrari against McLaren or whatever) seem frivolous compared to the need to know his possible allegiances to bankers and promoters.

On a second thought, maybe that's irrelevant right now. Anyone would say that a sport that has sold its commercial rights for 100 years is not interesting any more, from the financial point of view, but to its owner, in this case Mr. Ecclestone.

So, I'd guess that is Mr. Ecclestone who is judging right now if Mr. Mosley can continue in his role, and if necessary, will be Mr. Ecclestone the one that will choose Mr. Mosley's successor.

All I can say is that, right now, it seems urgent to find a person who, over all, is popular. If it's impossible to find that kind of person, I would try to look for a neutral person. I don't see Todt filling that role.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


The German national motorsport body has written to Mosely asking him to "reconsider" his position..


Bearing in mind, even though this is a F1 forum, that the FIA cover many motor sports [see below] - I don't think it will be too long before we hear other sports calling for him to step down, as well as other national motorsport bodies calling for the same..

FIA Formula One World Championship
FIA World Rally Championship
FIA World Touring Car Championship
FIA GT Championship
FIA GT3 European Championship
CIK-FIA Karting World Championship
FIA European Touring Car Cup
FIA European Truck Racing Championship
FIA World Cup for Cross Country Rallies
FIA Cup for Cross Country Bajas
FIA European Drag Racing Championship
FIA European Championship for Autocross
FIA European Championship for Rallycross
FIA Alternative Energies Cup
FIA European Hill Climb Championship
FIA European Hill Climb Cup
FIA International Hill Climb Challenge
FIA Historic Hill Climb Championship
FIA European Historic Rally Championship
FIA Trophy for Historic Regularity Rallies
FIA European Rally Cups
FIA Middle East Rally Championship
FIA African Rally Championship
FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship
FIA European Rally Championship
FIA Historic Racing Championships
Last edited by ben_watkins on 04 Apr 2008, 12:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


fastback33 wrote:
Rob W wrote: As for no-one having met or photographed his wife.. What's the crime? Maybe she's a private person. The way it's written there is as if they're hiding something sinister - perhaps she's just shy and hates the public eye. Does anyone know what Shania Twain's husband looks like? Does that mean he's dodgy?

Isn't her husband Tim McGraw?

Oops sorry off-topic!! :shock: :mrgreen:
Nope. That's Faith Hills' husband. Or was anyway.

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Re: Has Max been a verryyy naughty boy?


More regarding your 'fia-foma' comment
Long experience has taught me this about the status of mankind with regards to matters requiring thought. The less people know and understand about them, the more positively they attempt to argue concerning them; while on the other hand, to know and understand a multitude of things renders men cautious in passing judgement upon anything new. - Galileo..

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