In reality we don't know how much it costs to stage F1 so the monies given by the FIA to Bernie's organising body may have been quite appropriate given other factors. Remember the FIA has F1 as it's cornerstone series - the one it can say is the undisputed best. The FIA however don't organise events, not least to the level of a F1 event, nor the practices and the travel arrangements, safety systems etc so the organisation who takes this on board has got a lot - a hell of a lot - to organise to perfection. These things cost insane amounts of money and planning no doubt so the person in charge of them is in a pretty good negotiating position. If the F1 put it out a tender to see who wants to run F1 it would be a complete circus and probably not make it through a year. The FIA themselves aren't set up to do it either.Ciro Pabón wrote: Thanks, Rob W, good analysis. What do you think of Mr. Rubython description of the FIA-FOMA agreement? All the personal attacks on Mosley in the "second half" pale in comparison with the accusation of having given a gift of almost 2 billions to Mr. Ecclestone..
Bernie essentially 'owns' F1 in many senses. They can't run it without him. But if he said he was starting his own series and showed the teams the money they would follow him in a second. And you are right in saying Ecclestone is the key person who needs to consider whether Max can continue to do his job.
Re: the article's comments about the secret arrangements.. We can't know for sure if the paltry payment the story claims is the only payment. Maybe it was $300 million plus 15% of future TV deals... or some other on-going performance-based deal. There is just too much missing in the equation stated to believe it's the only consideration given. The writer seems to know some major details but can't explain them in sensical terms so I'd be inclined to think either he got it wrong or he knows only part of the story. And we will likely never know either so no point in worrying about it. The FIA and FOM might just be laughing at the article thinking that they've just fined a team $100 million, or 1/3 of the supposed 100 year F1 rights deal! They'd make more money fining teams

Anyway.. back to topic.