bar555 wrote:I like the night race idea but can anyone estimate the amount of electrical energy needed to illuminate a track

This is not an eco-friendly trend of F1 , i think . Also the cost will rise a lot .
It's 3 Megawatts, I think, or I remember vaguely to have read that figure. I also remember to have read 1.5 MWatts, don't know why.
as everything in engineering, is the total result what has a meaning, not just a part of the machinery.
So, I make this quick calculation:
If, I don't know, 80 million people watch the race in Europe and America, the couple of bulbs on their nightstands they do NOT light, because the race happens during the day,
would save you, let's see, 120 watts times 80 million people... that is 10.000 Megawatts. I did not take in account the cup of coffe they won't make because it's not 3 a.m....
You get that with an investment of only 3 Megawatts, not to mention the light contamination, as mx_tifosi says, that you will avoid.
If you wish, I can make a press release about it (FIA states: we will shut down 10 electric plants tonight in Europe, thanks to Fernando Alonso!), proclaiming how green F1 is...
As green as dollar bills, if you ask me, as Spencifer_Murphy notes.
Ray is right about races of, ehem, lesser series being held at night. However, Ray, the first time I have taken
every one of my kids to a stadium, I've made a point of going to a night game.
You should have seen the face of my kid when we went out of the tunnel and the
sound and lighting of the stadium entered into his very soul, a few weeks ago... definitely, it's not the same as during the day.
I think tarzoon understands that those that proclaim that the stadium-style artificial light is the same as the sunlight, are idiots that devote themselves to selling light fixtures (and not very well). Lights can shine with the same intensity or have the same spectrum, but people has understood
for ages how strange and inspiring is the atmosphere in a stadium or track at night: even the Circus Maximus, in Rome, 20 centuries ago, held night races, long before NASCAR. I hope somebody understands this issue and give us artificial light that is not as hard as the one we have in a TV studio.
Everything will be different: the light, the wind, the temperature, even the smell of the night: perhaps the stars will influence the outcome.

We only hope it does not rain.