Hope you don't mind WhiteBlue but I have used your interesting comments from the post on tyre warmers to start a new thread. Cheeky I know but I'm really busy at work but I think there is a good debate to be had.WhiteBlue wrote:interesting input from DC
...With DC's input we are looking at a new can of worms. We havn't heard about this old dilemma for a long time in public debate but the issue is very valid and deserves consideration.David Coulthard has voiced doubts that new regulations due to come into force in 2009 will have the intended effect of spicing up the racing....
“It’s ironic that refuelling was introduced to spice up the spectacle, yet it has probably had the opposite effect,” he wrote.
“There’s no question in my mind that banning refuelling would create more lap time variation and improve the racing.”
Present refuelling rules demotivate what all spectators want to see. real on track racing! the clever teams and drivers work out a race strategy around refuelling which requires some fast laps for 10% of the race and a snore during the other 90%. do we really want that? probably not!
In my view we have a massive safety problem with refueling since it was introduced. nearly every year we have seen accidents with the refueling kit. pit fires, flash fires, run over refuelling men, torn off refulling hoses. on average it happens every year.
so why don't we look into DC's proposal here in greater detail? it could be well worth it!
The question can be summarised as follows:
Do we think that banning mid race refuelling will create more variation in laptimes - and thus better racing?
This is what DC is suggesting but at any given time in the race I would think that without refuelling, cars would all be on similar fuel loads and thus be more closely matched in lap times than if they were on different fuel strategies.
Is there a case as WhiteBlue suggests for removing mid race refuelling because race strategy is all about good in laps and out laps around the refuelling stop. Or does it break up a procession from pole to finishing line.
Thinking back to the days before refuelling, a driver could nurse a car all the way from start to finish on the same set of tyres and defend his position against much faster cars on fresher tyres. I'm thinking of Senna fending off Mansell to win at Monaco many years ago (might have been the other way round but heck it was an exciting last few laps of the race). Monaco is of course an exceptional track. But unless the 2009 regs allow cars to follow more closely, drivers can still defend a lead despite a large deficit in car performance.
So do we think it is time to end the sprint miniraces of the current system? Reward drivers who can take care of their tyres and defend their position? Or is this the old boring F1 that we were trying to get rid off in the first place?