Bruce Willis as muddy talker

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Bruce Willis as muddy talker


Die Hard Willis to take F1 role?
Updated 09.29 Fri Apr 25 2008

Die Hard star Bruce Willis is tipped to play Formula One commentator Murray Walker on the big screen.

According to newspaper reports, the Hollywood actor will play Murray in a forthcoming film about the life of Formula One champion Michael Schumacher.

"I always regarded Bruce Willis as a mirror image of myself, don't you know...a much younger version though" - Murray Walker

In the film, the character is expected to narrate the tale as well as feature alongside Schumacher.

Willi Weber, a former Formula One champion and Schumacher's agent said: "Bruce Willis would certainly do Murray justice."

Weber added: "A Hollywood producer is interested. It would be called The Michael Schumacher Story, with him as the main actor."

Walker was the voice of the BBC's Formula One coverage for almost half a century until he switched when ITV won the rights.

Walker admitted to being a bit "shell-shocked" when he found out that Bruce Willis was going to play him in the film.

He said: "I had to make sure when looking at the calendar that it was April 25 not April 1."

He said jokingly: "I always regarded Bruce Willis as a mirror image of myself, don't you know...a much younger version though."

© Independent Television News Limited 2008. All rights reserve
muzza was always a highlight. I look forward to the flick.
to call weber a former F1 champion is about as true as calling bernie the benefactor of widows and orphants. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Bruce Willis as muddy talker


They're making a movie about Michael Schumacher?!

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Re: Bruce Willis as muddy talker


bhallg2k wrote:They're making a movie about Michael Schumacher?!
They are indeed.

I think it'll either be very good or it will flop. Rumours have it that Michael will "act" as himself
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Re: Bruce Willis as muddy talker


Bruce Willis!~ :shock:
They may be able to make Bruce look like Murray, but I'm really curious to see & hear how Bruce will portray Murray's English accent & voice, esp. his excited, high pitched voice when the racing action heats up. :lol:

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Re: Bruce Willis as muddy talker


Well, I guess if

they want to pocket the maximum amount of money themselves (always a plus), it has to be done pretty soon. Bernie's going to demand an arm and a leg for the F1 rights alone, though. In any case, NASCAR has pervaded popular culture far more widely than F1, it's certainly something worth exploring. As to other financial considerations, they don't call Hollywood "the dream factory" for nothing - and most dreams are of movies yet to be made, and the most imaginative lines are not in scripts but in spinning sales pitches.

Just can't imagine what it's gonna be like, racing movies are notoriously hard to get right. I'm thinking that it's going to be awkward to do anyway; there are going to be literally hundreds of people on their toes about the portrayal of events. I'm also hoping it will be an intense, stylised and focussed affair but given the marketplace we're more likely to get a little bit of everything and not enough of anything. Schumi the kid, kart driver, young gun, father, husband, champion, benefactor, etc. ... Btw., I'm expecting a confirmation from Bruce that he's actually doing this ... Murray Walker isn't exactly the most pivotal person in Michael's life, now is he (unless he's scripted - if there indeed is a script - as a kind of a narrator figure)?

I'm also curious as to what parts David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson will get; they're bound to be involved in this somehow, right?
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Re: Bruce Willis as muddy talker


mx_tifosi wrote::sick:
I'm with mx tifosi... plus :shock: :oops: :lol:

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Re: Bruce Willis as muddy talker


I bet this will be a flop, they should just make it as a doco.