latest news:

- Trulli criticises drivers for non participation
- Massa leaves GPDA
- Hamilton donates $ 30,000 to GPDA not being a member
To me it appeares that GDMA makes a lot of sense but the last generation directing the organization isn't up to the job. It is vital for the safety in F1 that drivers provide their input. On the other hand they know jackshit about track safety unless they go to the trouble of learning a lot of new tricks. Naturally they are a lot more interested to know about the engineering of their cars. big booboo happened when they criticised Monza 2006 while the track was just investing in the safest technology available, the TechPro barriers.
On the other hand it looks like FIA and FOM always are scared shitless of the GPDA and what they could potentially do. this is equally silly. they never bite. the drivers could prevent a lot of the rules rubbish that has happened in the last 15 years if they would use their platform to convey their input to the general public. for that to happen they need a general secretary who isn't a driver. somebody expandable who would speak on their behalve if they do not agree with their team and association policy.
such rubbish as the grooved tyres could have been fire branded by the GPDA years ago in order to get slicks back much earlier. hm, perhaps thats just a dream because under veto voting no reasonable alternative solution would have been approved.