Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
Besides, is the Spanish coverage pro-Alonso? You bet, last time I watched Spanish F1 coverage was of the british GP in 2003, so yes a long time ago, when Alonso was winning his first GP's & Poles, and even then every 5th word was "Alonso". I'd hazard a guess that since then he's gotten almost "Demi-God" status
Spanish coverage has changed a lot since 2003. But before you read the full story, yes, it is very pro-Alonso. Current commentators include Antonio Lobato¹, Gonzalo Serrano², Pedro Martinez de la Rosa (yes, the test driver) and Victor Seara.
Serrano has lots of experience but, IMHO, he is resented and knows no limits to glorify Alonso and destroy his rivals. In the film, he'd be "the bad". Victor Seara plays the role of Louise Goodman, from what I've heard. He's on the pits trying to get interviews from people during races. Lobato started as a neophite but very vocal supporter of Alonso but has gained a lot of insight and, while he does support Alonso, he also says many positive things about other drivers... including Nemesis Hamilton. It seems he has gotten the grips of F1 and that he likes it a lot. I have nothing but good things to say about Pedro. He is well mannered, has witty and wisfull comments, is outspoken and he is a passionate of motorsports.
If he has to replace Heikki in Turkey, we'll lose
*the* comentator in Spain, but I'll be very glad for him. I'd bet 99% of the viewers here would also support him. He is extremely appreciated here in spain, regardless of Stepneygate, McLaren, driving talent or whatever. More than Alonso.
Finally, regarding the coverage, we've gone from flag-to-flag coverage (even in 2003) to a 30~45min prologue + race + podium + press conference. This is huge compared to not having F1 broadcast at all (1997 & 2002) being broadcast alongside porn (late night) or suffering all kind of delays. So, I'm sorry, but I don't mind some Alonso adoration in order to get decent coverage³.
MotoGP is somewhat different, because it's extremely popular here. Both Nieto (12+1 times WDC) and Alex Crivillé (WDC too) comment well. Although they support the spanish drivers, you feel their respect and affinity towards good drivers like Rossi. I suppose this is the ideal case, with commentators that support the local guys but appreciate the sport enough to see talent in other drivers.
PS: In Catalunya, motorsport (in cars) has always been popular and they get (or used to get) their own broadcast via TV3. They had the knowledge, but rumour says they weren't the most passionate journalists out there. I haven't heard them, though.
¹ If you have heard the news regarding the "official Alonso supporter" some joke Lobato is already one.
² Serrano is ironically called in the internet as "Jabba the Fett".
³ As the UK, broadcast is also changing next year to the fairly new channel "La Sexta".
I am not amazed by F1 cars in Monaco. I want to see them driving in the A8 highway: Variable radius corners, negative banking, and extreme narrowings that Tilke has never dreamed off. Oh, yes, and "beautiful" weather tops it all.
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