Team: Eric Boullier (RD), Tim Goss (TD), Simon Roberts (OD), Matt Morris (Engineering Director), Peter Prodromou (CTO), Guillaume Cattelani (HA), Richard Frith (HVP), Stephen Watt (Head of Electronics), Marianne Hinson (Aerodynamic Process Manager), Christian Schramm (Head of Racing Technology), Hiroshi Imai (CRE), Mark Ingham (Head of Design), Kari Lammenranta (CM), Paul James (TM), Jonathan Neale (COO), Neil Oatley (Director of Design & Development) Drivers: Fernando Alonso (14), Stoffel Vandoorne (2) Team name: McLaren Honda
A place to discuss the characteristics of the cars in Formula One, both current as well as historical. Laptimes, driver worshipping and team chatter do not belong here.
Nice detail. I have no idea what the reason for that part might be. It looks a bit less curved than before, but hard to judge from that angle.
Last edited by Jef Patat on 22 Mar 2018, 12:22, edited 1 time in total.
Looks like a different shape - previously the waste gate pipes emerged from beneath the trailing edge, now they are above the trailing edge - which seems to continue further back.
Position of the RENAULT sticker is also different.
No too much changed at first glance! Nice little winglet near the exhaust, presumably to tidy up the airflow to the rear wing, and maybe manipulate the exhaust gases upwards to blow it?
I thought the rear wing endplates had changed, but it looks like they've just painted the lower section black. Not sure why, need to see a clearer shot, but it could just be a paint with different friction. The Hilton sponsor that was there is evidently gone.
It's profiled to produce downforce along with the little beam wing hanging off the rear wing support. I'm surprised there wasn't a bigger update than this.
The sidepod shape is so hard to judge. Picture angles change it completely. Unless you find a pic from almost the same angle my mind gets messed up. Just these two from testing for reference: