Mosley has done nothing for the sport and everything for FOM. He actually took the money from FIA and gave it to FOM, which means
FIA is an empty shell that anyone can preside. He finished his "presidency" goals once he finished the deal with Formula One Management.
Since then FIA has the air of the OAS or the European parliament: an place for privileged, well connected, despicable people to spend a few years earning three times what they would earn at home,
without a single success and many irritating issues half resolved. Lazy people.
Has anyone of you, when in love with a woman and with your work, had time to spend with prostitutes? This is a clear sign of
too much time in your hands and little enthusiasm for your work, and that's much more worrying than any nazi or SM implications. I won't work with a guy like Mosley, not because of moral standards, but because I demand efficiency of my work partners and a guy devoted to buy sex in intrincate ways it's not precisely efficient (nor attractive, nor healthy, nor sincere, having a wife as he has, btw).
As for the question, I think the answer is the reverse of it:
FIA, to live, needs to get rid of F1, which gives no money to it and consumes most of its resources. Once FIA gets a Superman able to do that, it could start a new series, without ICE as we know them.
ICE, V8, V10 or whatever, is a thing of the past, or so I think it is, at 200 dollars a barrel of oil. It would be cheaper to feed cars with diamonds or printer ink than with oil at 10 times its historical price. Only in May oil surged 20 dollars. At this cost anything goes, from solar power to cold fusion. Only inertia keeps the status quo, but it won't last for long, I think.
FIA has been unable to awaken to this new world, even when a few people (ehem, me included) has been telling the story we're living today for four or five years now.
This means that the next election is irrelevant, after all. The possible alternatives to FIA mandate, I mean besides Mosley and his plans for keeping the banks and manufacturers happy, are as inane as public TV: they represent total lack of imagination and originality,
they are based on greed and on the idea that the public is stupid. After all, they are OLD people who know nothing better than what they've lived all their long, Internet-less lives.
Oh, heavens, how easy would it be to create a new organization a thousand times better than FIA, based on the Internet. Just look at Obama and Hillary approaches to their campaigns: long before the people was exhausted, the few rich that thought they could finance a presidential campaign were already dried out, financially speaking.
It has never been clearer to me (or I haven't ranted with this enthusiasm for a long time

): it's time for a new generation at FIA. The only solution there is, to avoid the circus the sport is converting itself at an accelerated pace,
is to split FIA from FOM. And that means throwing away F1, as I see it, and recreate it as it should be: the paramount of engineering. And that means no oil in the cars nor capitalist barons behind them.
Anything less than that is just make-up on the face of a really old lady, as pimped as Paris Hilton.
Oh, man, that felt