I now F1 does not compare to any other racing category. But i don't mind putting this subject for discussion.
Here in Brazil we have a Stockcar Category cars produce around 450 - 500bhp and are similar to the DTM cars althought they use not audi or Mbz bodys.
Well the thing is... since last year the cars started using Nitrous bursts during the race... it gives about 60 - 80 bhp per burst...
The thing is that the amount of horse porwer it gives is never noticed by the audience and all the drivers say it's not enough for the race to get more likable to the audience.
My question is... is KERS in F1 do any good? Will it make any diference at 200mph?? I personally don't think so...
Please I would like to here your opinion and maybe understand better the KERS.