why are women not reconized in the love of f1

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why are women not reconized in the love of f1


i would like to kno y women are not allowed to be more involved in f1 iam a big big fan of f1 you never see a woman winning prizes such as for silverstone come on woman are big fans of f1 we should be reconized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Hi Cindy, welcome to the forum. :)

I don't know why you feel woman aren't recognised as F1 fans (or more globally motorsport fans), appart from the obvious truth: there are far less female fans than their males counterparts.

The only thing I can tell is that we are sincerly happy whenever a woman shows some interest in motorsport and we're glad to have some feminine input on the forum too. :wink:

During my visit to Le Mans last month I met with a girl from Peugeot Sport (who wasn't part of the team, but had just come as a passionate), and I was very impressed by her knowlege about racing, she actually knew more things than myself about LM history. :oops:

That was an enjoyable meeting, really.

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


I don't understand the question to be honest. I know of a few female mechanics and engineers coming through as well as more femal drivers. Personally I believe that gender, likle race is only an issue if someone wants it to be.
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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


I understand your point, but I think it's more based on your feelings. In fact womans are not so good, and they are not very interested in racing I think. :roll:

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Scuderia_Russ wrote:I don't understand the question to be honest. I know of a few female mechanics and engineers coming through as well as more femal drivers. Personally I believe that gender, likle race is only an issue if someone wants it to be.


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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


We have many times discussed about women and the F1
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the last one is a joke, please don´t hit me! :lol:

Seriously, I would love if my girlfriend like F1.
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Ciro Pabón
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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Welcome, Cindy.

I have to confess one thing: I don't feel totally OK with the way of thinking of fans of any sport, specially serious fans.

The more serious they are, the more awkward I feel about their attitudes, men or women, no offense intended, allow me to explain.

My point here is that sports are games, originally children games, they are to be enjoyed, they're for your amusement.

Simple: I don't remember if it was Calvin or Charlie Brown who once described a rant by his grandpa about how cartoons of old were better than the ones of today. In the end Calvin (or Charlie Brown) says something like: "Grandpa takes the funnies pretty seriously."

That's what I don't like of the way of thinking of most, if not all fans: they take a game pretty seriously.

Besides, they (most of them) only watch the sport on TV.

So, my advice: do not consider yourself a fan of any sport. If you like a sport, go to the field (or the track) and practice it. Then, you'll have your own fans. Hopefully, you'll have fans belonging to all of the five or six sexes that nowadays exist. :)

Let's pick randomly any person in the street: for example, me. Once every blue moon I am able to put together the money to pay for one hour of karting. So, if you compare my budget with the one of Ferrari, it's about 1 millionth or less. We're talking of 100 dollars per year I spend vs at least 100 million dollars for Maranello.

However, I have three fans. Most of them are my relatives (100% of them are actually my children, that's 3 of 3). My wife is not a fan, but I'm working on it.

If you compare my fan club with the tifosi, I might have a greater return in terms of dollars per fan. Ferrari needs to amass 3 million tifosi to reach my amazing results: I make a meager investment of 33 dollars per fan per year. Of course, I'm not taking in account the expenses I made years ago on gloves, boots, helmet, firesuit and ribs protector, but FIAT also contributes to Ferrari budget and nobody complains.

So far, I have fans of two sexes only and I quietly pray to the Universe for the statu quo to be maintained, in terms of gender. I have TWICE as many female fans as male fans (I have two daughters and one son).

Finally, if you take my advice and jump into the track, you could even try to have your own pit-boys and make your own jokes on Belatti.

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


That's some serious straw clutching Ciro, but I enjoyed it :)

Cindy's point is quite valid but perhaps if she'd like to meet some female motorsport fans she'd do worse than get into marshalling. I've seen a lot of women doing marshaling and they seem to have a great time, too.
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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Ciro, it was Calvin. I believe you can find the comic in the book "Revenge of the Baby-Sat." All four panels were drawn the exact same with Calvin's grandpa saying something along the lines of "everything being the same."

Anyway... I think it's the fact that there are a lot of mechanical things to understand... hence why girls sometimes don't understand why guys like cars so much. And at least from my university, the ratio of men to women engineers approaches infinity.
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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


I don't understand what the fuss is about. If you go to a football match, there are more men than women. If you go to a basketball game, there are more men than women. If you go to an F1 race, there are more men than women. But that doesn't mean that the female fans are less appreciated, it doesn't mean that they have less chances to win a prize.

In Belgium, one of the newspapers organises a F1 game, something like the fantasy game we've done before. When I check the results after every GP, most of the time it is a woman who has won the prize.

Everybody has his own interests and it's just a fact that women are less interested in sports than men, but that doesn't mean that there aren't hardcore fans among the ladies. Look at me. Do you know another idiot like me who spends 5hours a day working on an F1 website for free? :P

You don't have to stand still at the idea that there are less woman when you go to a race, just enjoy that you're special and that men appreciate you for being there :wink: !

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Everybody has his own interests and it's just a fact that women are less interested in sports than men, but that doesn't mean that there aren't hardcore fans among the ladies. Look at me. Do you know another idiot like me who spends 5hours a day working on an F1 website for free? :P

You don't have to stand still at the idea that there are less woman when you go to a race, just enjoy that you're special and that men appreciate you for being there

what a great and logical post! I never even think about it when there are women at sporting events....here at American college football games ; women attend in droves ... but are still in the minority as attendance goes.

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


ZBimmerfan wrote:what a great and logical post! I never even think about it when there are women at sporting events....here at American college football games ; women attend in droves ... but are still in the minority as attendance goes.
In response to the attendance of women to college football games, in my experiences they mainly attended to support the school or to hang out. Otherwise, they weren't interested what so ever in the actual game. And afterwards there were parties, so the game was merely leading up to something 'better' for them. Same goes for high school, the girls went to have fun and maybe support a friend that was playing.

If you don't like the idea of getting dirty, greasy, and exhausted than sports like American football, real football, or any motorsport series will most likely not REALLY interest you. Regardless of gender, but it happens to be that men are generally more interested by that than women are.

And when one asks questions such as the one that started this thread, you only exclude yourself even more than you are already feel to be. You're accepting the idea, along with sharing it and making other people believe the same.
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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Wheres the lady that started this thread? :roll:
"You need great passion, because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well." -Juan Manuel Fangio

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Re: why are women not reconized in the love of f1


Belatti wrote:Wheres the lady that started this thread? :roll:
Probably busy getting the dinner on. (it was a joke... it was a joke!!!)
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