Today the Formula One teams formed a new united association to deal with their internal political interests in F1. Is this just another ill fated GPMA or something different? I see it as something different. Rather than trying to break away and form another series this united effort seeks to strengthen the teams' hand within the existing structure. I see it enduring the test of time because the issues it addresses are universal and hence, the "divide and conquer" tactics that led to the demise of the GPMA will not work here.
The real rub in the past was the "unanimity clause" which hobbled the teams political power and effectively was exploited to their detriment by Bernie but mostly by Max. Now they want it to be a simple 51% majority voting procedure.
The next Concorde must have this and a better distribution of the income. CVC may feel a bit threatened as their current scoop of 50% revenues is under attack but they are very willing to settle for a bit less if they still have effective commercial control and gain stability. The teams just want self determination over the regs but Max want effective control over the regs so the FIA can steer F1 in a "green" direction, an "inexpensive" direction, or whatever his reading of the tea leaves may be. This battle for control over the regs will continue to stall any new Concorde Agreement until a winner is declared.
Methinks today's announcement is an alignment of Bernie/CVC with the teams (who are tired of being abused) on the issue of the regs so they can get the Concorde thing to move forward, secure the financial future for F1, and possibly make their holdings more marketable. Right now there are too many question marks for present investors or future investors.
Where does this leave the FIA? Well, as I see it, it leaves them in their proper role as a sanctioning body that concerns itself with track standards, insurance issues, driver standards, timing standards, safety standards and an outside enforcer of the technical the teams have agreed upon. The FIA also has a small role in the regs related to safety only.
Max has employed "mission creep" to expand the role of the FIA into every area of the sport. The CVC and the teams are joining their forces to defend themselves against the centralizing gravity of the FIA's tyrannical black hole. Today's formation is a step in the direction of stabilizing F1 and soon putting to rest political issues that have been unsettled for too long.
I think it bodes well for F1 to see this happen. The teams are now uniting and Bernie has aligned himself with the teams instead of the FIA. It was a long time coming but Bernie knows who ultimately butters his bread and it isn't the FIA.