What DaveKillens said,
Spencifer_Murphy wrote:I wonder how bad that renault is when you remove the 6-tenths that Alonso brings to them?I said all along that the MP4-22 was a good car, that had been designed before he came, and he had no input (except mid-season deveolpment of course) into its pace.
Not meaning to rock-the-boat you understand, this is not an anti-alonso or pro-mclaren post, I'm just saying that back then Alonso brings them 6-tenths, NOW its all designed before he came, its not down to him. I agree with the latter, always have, the Renault R28 was designed before Alonso could have any impact on it. One also has to remember that it has come on this season, Alonso is a great driver, and has the experience to develop a car, he's proven that.
But (and this is why I menationed Mclaren at the beginning of this post) Mclaren are the PEREFECT example of how a slick, experienced team with great personel and great drivers AND great test drivers can get it wrong sometimes and make crappy cars. Think about it, the MP4-18 was still-born, The MP4-19A slow, The MP4-19B still slow(ish), the MP4-20 not much better, the MP4-21 was getting there... once you loose ground its a long way back. Just ask Honda, who'd have thought after 2004 they'd be in this mess?
It maybe a case that once you go barking up the wrong tree in a development area, its hard to gain ground and fully deveolp an anternative route whilst still maintaining pace with the others in all other aspects of your car's design. renault are a great team, with great people, (2 WDC & WCC with a spend only 1/3 of Ferrari & Mclaren proves this), and In Fernando they have a World Class driver who can help steer then down the correct deveolpment paths (or steer them away from the wrong ones!) They'll be back at the top sometime, and the new-for-2009 tech regs may well help them in that area.
I reckon they'll make a relatively quick resurgence (quicker than Mclaren did anyway), but I bet they'll be hoping to keep a hold for Fernando for a couple of years...If I were them I know I would be!