Keir wrote:Spa used to be good value but it certainly isn't now.
Turkey tickets are cheap and so is the accomodation, however flights can be expensive.
Why isn't Spa good value now?? That's just bullsh*t. At Spa, you have some great grandstands where you can really have a good sight on the track and the cars. (and where you can take great pictures without fences) But as I have noticed last year, there are a lot of great green zones as well. Of course you have to go there very early to have a good spot on Saturday and Sunday.
Tomba and I are on Silver grandstand number 4, Bruxelles, and we were there last year as well. We had a great sight of the cars coming straight to us, breaking and going in and out of the corner with a television screen nearby. We bought the tickets for €270 for the whole weekend. We ordered them while there was still a discount, I think that now they cost around €300. Our accomodations cost 80€ per person, breakfast included. Of course there are a lot of other grandstands where you have a great sight of the track. Silver 3, Combes, must be great as well. Silver 2, Spa, offers a good sight of the cars climbing on the hill. There are a lot of good possibilities at Spa

On Friday, we usually go to the green zones to get some good pictures from other angles than during the race and the qualifying session.
2 years ago, we went to Hockenheim. I think we than paid €220 for the whole weekend on a silver grandstand. I have seen that it's more expensive now and it comes at €270 for the whole weekend as well. I have no idea how the green zones are at Hockenheim as we haven't been to one to check it out. We were sitting at the hairpin so again we had a great sight. We saw them driving up to the hairpin and after that you could follow the cars on the track for quite some time. Accomodations: a hotel 25km away from the circuit and it was 120€ per person and I have to say that it was one of the nicest hotels I've been too. Not expensive at all for what you got. From Belgium, Hockenheim isn't that far by car, just like Nürburgring.