gcdugas wrote: Each team should also submit their first pit stop window of two laps where they would not get penalized if the safety car comes out. After their first stop they have to submit a two lap window for their second pit stop etc. This could also be used to prevent a car from running out of gas if they had a puncture just as the tanks got low. They could only change the affected tire. Flat spotted tires could not be changed at a scheduled fuel stop no matter what. This would effectively give drivers the penalty of an extra stop if they destroy their tires.
They should employ my "pit stop window" submission idea ASAP to exempt those who need fuel during safety car periods. Those whose announced stops occur during the safety car should be the ONLY ones to pit during the safety car period. The pits shouldn't be opened to all.
It is a very good basis for improved SC rules IMO.
Trying to totally get rid of the safety car is utopic. Also, we should not whine that much about safety car management in current F1 and other european motorsport, as it not that bad. Try to follow an ALMS race and you'll see it could be much much worse! As a wild guess I'd say last week end's round at Road America resulted in 1/3 of the race at least under full course neutralisation, with absolutely no need for it, as most of times it was about a single car stuck in the depth of a secured sand trap, cases where a single yellow would do a perfect job normally. And this was no exception, as those arbitrary full course neutralisations are very common sight in US racing.
Even more agrivating is the way the neutralisation tends to be prolongated although the stuck car has been removed, track cleared and marshalls are in security, but you will have to cope with a few more laps under SC for the fu**ing fun of it!
It has been mentionned that this SC management has everything to do with TV demands, and I see no other reasons for it. It just allows speed TV to go adds for huge periods, while motors TV powerlessly dislays an artificial slow procession...
As I already told you numerous times in this forum, in France we have to watch F1 from the TF1 channel, and those guys are actually showing a festival of advertisement, sometimes cut by little samples of formula one
(a few lap just for you to have an idea of what you would see if you were granted the right to see the race...)
Obviously those damned morrons are very keen to have as much SC periods as possible, as it gives 'em better contiousness than when they just goes "WOW what an extraordinary battle! we take a break now."
and then while the come back "Wow that was a terrible fight, we hope you'll get the replay from the realisation"...
But I disgress, the way TV treats us and our sport is another topic, which I could fill with pages of hatred. Truth is just that the SC problem lies here, period.