Well it's slack season. So just a summary from my readup from today. Both from F1technical as other sources.
Engine evolution:
The spec 2.x is an evolution build on the 1.x focused on improving engine performance and reliability. And a challenge to R&D to come up with something better
The spec 3.0 is R&D's answer. New designs incorporated combined with lessons learned.
The spec 3.1 is the testing crib for the 2019 engine. To understand performance, reliability and understanding managing the balance between engine components, chassis and how to achieve best on track performance.
As to vibrations:
The vibration issues are under control and can be mitigated. Vibrations are part of any engines but the issues appear on track and cannot (read are very hard) be simulated in a test bed, that''s why road testing (STR) is so important. Vibrations issues are now understood and can be mitigated, in part with help of consultancy from Illien, who is hired on demand.
The spec 3.0 had vibration issues arising. Not due to unresolved prior issues but due to a unexpected (45HP) performance gain. Previous learned lessons enabled Honda to mitigate the vibration issues asap.
AVL dynanometer laboratory Graz:
[Rumour on]
The relationship with AVL is most probably 'broken' for the same reason the previous customer Ferrari has broken with AVL in 2017. A development they wanted to keep propietary. Honda has a new propietary (patent-pending) combustion/ignition proces they also don't want to share with or give insight to an independent person/instutute like AVL.
[/Rumour off]
Sources: multiple sources
Mea culpa for just mentioning the main source...
Main source:
https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=2018 ... 9-rcg-moto
https://thejudge13.com/2019/01/08/secre ... proved-hp/
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