The most hated man in Formula 1

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The most hated man in Formula 1



Lewis Hamilton: Formula 1’s most successful rookie, 2007 championship runner-up, five times Grand Prix winner. And the most hated man in Formula 1.

From the banners at the Spanish Grand Prix, to the streams of abuse on internet forums, the crop of hate websites that have sprung up and even the series of anti-Hamilton Youtube videos, the British driver has taken over Michael Schumacher’s mantle as the man who is liked and loathed in roughly equal measure.

Why is that?

[red]Popular is uncool[/red]


Hamilton may be hated, but he is also very popular. Taking Britain as an example, F1 fans today can be broadly divided between those who have followed the sport for years, like myself, and those who’ve been drawn to it recently by the popularity of Hamilton.

According to ITV, their F1 broadcasts were watched by 40% more people last year because of Hamilton, so we’re talking about a significant number of newcomers to the sport.

Now I like F1 a lot (you may have noticed) and I’ve got nothing against Hamilton, but even I find the saturation coverage of Hamilton a lot to take.

And I think a lot of other people react negatively against the fawning, sycophantic tripe written about Hamilton, and don’t like him as a result.

‘Twas ever thus, of course. Before Hamilton the British media’s darling was Jenson Button, and it was pretty clear from the debate we had about Button earlier this week how his over-exposure earlier in his career had coloured people’s opinions of him.

With Hamilton, there were some insinuations last year that his value to the sport made the governing body reluctant to punish him, which no doubt deepened the growing dislike.


There is a perception that Hamilton has a false media persona. A typical example of which was be that painful interview with Heikki Kovalainen ITV broadcast before the start of the Australian Grand Prix, with all that unconvincing chummyness. It brought back memories of the photo calls with Fernando Alonso last year when the two plainly weren’t getting on.

Hamming it up is one thing, but Hamilton’s not shy to use the media for his own ends either. His frustration at the team’s strategy in the Monaco Grand Prix last year, which he felt cost him the chance of beating Alonso, bubbled to the surface in his now notorious words: “it says number two on my car and I’m the number two driver.”

This, his critics say, is the real Hamilton: sweetness and light until something goes wrong - and then he bares his teeth.

[red]The Fernando Alonso factor[/red]


It should have been a perfect match. Experienced, confident, double champion meets paired with the rookie to whom everything is new. Alonso does the winning, Hamilton does the learning.

But it became clear things were not going to work that way as early as the first qualifying session of the season, when Alonso reacted to Hamilton’s speed in Q2 by choosing to do an extra lap to guarantee himself first choice on strategy.

As we all know all hell broke loose between the pair in 2007. There are essentially two competing explanations for why that happened:

(a) Hamilton was so quick it rattled Alonso, leading him to demand preferential treatment from McLaren and, when he didn’t get it, blasted the team in his home press. He leapt at the opportunity to blackmail Ron Dennis when the spy scandal blew up. Alonso’s fans sympathised with their hero’s plight, believe everything he said, and hate Hamilton as a result.

(b) McLaren misled Alonso over whether he’d be the number one driver in 2008, and then undermined his efforts to win the world championship. Ron Dennis lied and claimed Alonso threatened to blackmail him over the spygate affair after Alonso had been double-crossed by Hamilton in qualifying at Hungary.

What do I think? As with most things I think the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes - although not halfway between.

Hamilton is no angel. What he did at Hungary last year was clearly an attempt to provoke Alonso. But the idea that McLaren would bring a double world champion into the team specifically to compromise his ability to win the championship defies logic, common sense and history. Even Pat Symonds of Alonso’s beloved Renault team acknowledged Alonso could not stand being beaten by a team mate even if Giancarlo Fisichella only managed it once or twice.

I don’t think there’s any doubt Hamilton’s catastrophic relationship with Alonso is the largest cause of the widespread hatred of Hamilton - whichever explanation for it you agree with.


Fernando Alonso brought legions of new fans to the sport in Spain. You only have to look how packed the Circuit de Cataluya has been in recent years compared to the late 1990s to see that.

Inevitably, many of those fans may have little or no knowledge of F1 prior to about 2005. As far as they are concerned, Alonso is number one - this is the man that beat Michael Schumacher, after all.

Many have reasoned that it is simply not possible Alonso could have been beaten by a rookie, and as Hamilton is a British driver in a British team they suspected a conspiracy.


No. I honestly don’t think racism has anything to do with it.

I know many of you disagreed with me when I said I supported the FIA’s anti-racism campaign. I still think it’s the right thing to do.

But I do think the racism that was displayed at the Circuit de Catalunya in testing in February (and may have been seen at the Chinese Grand Prix last year) was intended as an expression of hatred towards Lewis Hamilton the person and not his race. That does not excuse it, of course.

[red]Over to you[/red]

Do you agree Lewis Hamilton is the most hated driver in Formula 1? What has he done to provoke it? Is it deserved or undeserved?

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


Jealousy IMO.
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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


I definitely do not believe lewis is the most hated man in F1 history, i still think that will always be schumi. but i would like to add a few thoughts to your post. first, indeed the british media have always been ridiculously overexaggerating british drivers' talents, same with button, DC etc. the only difference is that lewis actually did have a chance of taking the title last year, whereas DC for example was always just a joke, thus could never have generated as much hatred from non british fans. i do not mean to offend DC fans, but the guy would come out every year before the first race and say "this will be my year", and then was always beaten by his own teammates. ok, he got a few wins, but never really challenged for the title, on the contrary, he ended up screwing up mika's chances on quite a few occasions, and honestly as a ferrari fan i always saw him as our "third" driver!!! the point i m trying to make is that indeed lewis is a quite good driver, thus will be hated much more by non McLaren fans by default.
second, what i personally do not like about lewis, and i think lots of other people will agree, is that he had it quite easy, coming straight into a top team after being under their "protection" for years, and he looks like he has been genetically engineered to be a McLaren driver (not an F1 driver). in contrast, the likes of Alonso, Webber, Vettel, Kimi, Massa, Heidfeld etc had to prove their worth first (or struggle) with a lesser team before having a chance to drive for a top team (or mid-field team). this fact alone does not make lewis less of a driver, but it definitely makes it much easier to like the other guys (or at least not hate them), as they have done lots of things to earn the fans' respect first. thus even a ferrari fan who would not want to see Alonso win in a Renault cannot help but feel much more respect for a man who was scoring points and doing amazing races on a Minardi before moving in to Renault...and cannot help but question lewis' results and attribute at least some of them to pure luck. i mean, of course a bad driver would never take the title if he was driving the best car (by far), and at the same time even the best driver (by far) would never take the title if he was driving the 2008 Honda. But an average driver with lots of luck could easily take wins if he was driving the best car...
and last but not least, i know there has been so much talk about this but still, no matter what anyone says, since the team was found guilty enough to be punished then the drivers should have been punished as well. you either are illegal or you re not. and both lewis' and fernando's performances during 2007 will always be stained as they were achieved with an illegal team's car.
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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


This is a technical forum, so why do people like to gossip so much? Grow up or go to a damn pub to talk sh*t please.

I already reported this post, as should always be done in the first place. And hopefully it will be closed as soon as possible.

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


mx_tifosi wrote:This is a technical forum, so why do people like to gossip so much? Grow up or go to a damn pub to talk sh*t please.

I already reported this post, as should always be done in the first place. And hopefully it will be closed as soon as possible.

Please do not respond to comments made by trolls.
Not to mention the whole thing is lifted off the f1fanatic blog without credit.
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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


andartop wrote:on the contrary, he ended up screwing up mika's chances on quite a few occasions, and honestly as a ferrari fan i always saw him as our "third" driver!!! car.
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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


mx_tifosi wrote:This is a technical forum, so why do people like to gossip so much? Grow up or go to a damn pub to talk sh*t please.

I already reported this post, as should always be done in the first place. And hopefully it will be closed as soon as possible.

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This is a general chat not a technical forum.

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


f1italia wrote:
mx_tifosi wrote:This is a technical forum, so why do people like to gossip so much? Grow up or go to a damn pub to talk sh*t please.

I already reported this post, as should always be done in the first place. And hopefully it will be closed as soon as possible.

Please do not respond to comments made by trolls.
This is a general chat not a technical forum.
Yes BUT alot of new joins have come in and started topics along these lines to stir the pot. I myself enjoy reading these because I came in big mouthed myself. I settled down and keep most of my flammatory comments to myself. I try to read the technical threads because, hey, I'm dumb! :lol:

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


Hi guys, been away on holiday for a couple of weeks. Interesting thread. I said in a thread a while ago that if you list some of the drivers that have been hated and loved in equal measure so hugely some rather big names crop up:

Michael Schumacher
Ayrton Senna
Lewis Hamilton
Fernando Alonso
Alain Prost (by some)
Kimi Raikkonen (to a lesser extent - maybe because some dislike his almost mute like nature)

I guess when you are hugely popular some people resent you for that reason alone. I remember being at school about 5years or so ago, the band Linkin Park had just made the charts with their single "In the End" and all the people who had ranted and raved about them before the rest of us had even heard of them then suddenly came out saying "No, they're crap, they're too "commercial"." I - to this very day - cannot uderstand the logic...because a band has success they should be rediculed? Madness. Some people (like Kurt Cobain) feel a need to be an outcast, to dislike what the majority like. It defines them. (This some believe lead to Cobain taking his own life...he became a cult hero, this "did not compute" and made him desperately unhappy)

Others may have an ideal, and for whatever reason a driver may not fall into the jigsaw puzzle - this was most clearly demonstrated by the Lewis v Fernando saga last year, its hard for anybody to like both of them as people tended (myself included) to see one person's behaviour more correct than the other.

For some is purely a case that the new upstart challenges the guy you've supported for years this may either lead to huge admiration (For some when Schumi challenged Ayrton and for me when Lewis matched Fernando, and when Fernando matched Schumi) or it may cause huge dislike (For some others when Schumi challenged Ayrton or for my friend when Kimi & Montoya started challenging Schumi).

In general though I guess you can say that as a sportsman (where not everybody will support you like say, an actor) you know that you're REALLY famous when you're almost equally as INFAMOUS. Take Cristiano Ronaldo as a prime example in football. You can't deny his huge talent, you just can't...but it's so hard for some to like him.

Taking it out of F1 context, great people who where (are) loved and loathed equally (just random names that spring to my head atm):
Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay)
Cristiano Ronaldo
Margret Thatcher
Sir Winston Churchill
Victoria Beckham
David Beckham
Jesse Owens
Marmite (just joking)
Jeremy Clarkson
Johnny Depp
Mike Tyson

Okay I know its not a brilliant list of wonderful people, but they are all hugely famous, and some of them (Ali, Owens, Churchill) where great individuals and in Owens case has become almost universally loved.
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Ciro Pabón
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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


zac510 wrote:
mx_tifosi wrote:This is a technical forum, so why do people like to gossip so much? Grow up or go to a damn pub to talk sh*t please.

I already reported this post, as should always be done in the first place. And hopefully it will be closed as soon as possible.

Please do not respond to comments made by trolls.
Not to mention the whole thing is lifted off the f1fanatic blog without credit.
Zac, you're fast. :D

It's the first thing you get when you google the thread's name...

Let's see: the most hated man in F1. That, nonwithstanding britons's opinion, it's a position more contested than the WDC. Some paranoid people, however, think "we" hate "them" more than anything. Sometimes "they" are a little vain, don't you think so?

Let me put it this way: to be hated, you have to have some essence, not to mention that to be really hated, you have to have an opinion. I've seen Hamilton, I haven't heard him, no matter how hard I've been waiting for his "original words", something that, given the position he's in, we should have heard by now.

Simple: Hamilton has no substance, I hope that's a problem that will be cured with age (hope is the last thing you lose), but for the moment, Hamilton is despised, not hated, because the things you could hate of him, he hides with care. You feel he's not proud of the posibly controversial thoughts he could have in his head. Same thing happens to Mosley: you cannot like the guy in any way, you notice he doesn't like himself, so you cannot hate him: they're fragile, trembling "jell-o souls". As I've been told one hundred times in my crazy country: pick your enemies with utmost care, friends come and go, but enemies are for life. So, if you're going to hate somebody (something I don't recommend, btw), choose a strong person, not a slimy shapeshifter.

Finally, how could you hate him, if not because it's a way through which you can hate Dennis?

Note: Spencifer, I disagree. ;) Churchill and Victoria Beckham in the same list? C'mon, she suffers of the same problem as Hamilton: you cannot hate bad taste, the most you can do is to despise it.

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Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


how can you even compare a driver to bernie and max. They even hate each other =P~

Joined: 07 Aug 2008, 17:33

Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


Ultimately all this is down to the obsession with "celebrity". Top-class sportsmen/women are now continually in the public eye and cannot do or say anything without it being reported, repeated, misquoted, distorted and misrepresented.

Of course, this is nothing new. Although the reasons for criticism have changed: I've just been examining reports of Parliamentary debates in the mid-1950s where "racing motorists" (those were the days!), notably Mike Hawthorn and Stirling Moss, were being accused of being unpatriotic because they spent so much time abroad that they avoided National Service ....
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Joined: 07 Dec 2006, 20:44

Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


well who cares why hes hated by some and loved by others. Judge him for yourself.
One thing that bugs me a tad is where people say how he lucked into where he a competative car. thats just crock. He was given a race seat in a mclaren, without spending any aprentaship as a test driver unlike most, because he had the TALENT to be given the seat.
Dosnt matter if you like the bloke or not, he clearly is an exceptionally good race driver. If you cant enjoy watching him drive i feel sorry for you... you are missing out

Joined: 15 Aug 2008, 16:05

Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


well i stil feel tht being just 2 years in formula1...

lewis hamilton had gained much of popularity in a negative way..

irrespective of his driving skills and talents..

and in the contrary michael schumacher and ayrton senna were there for many years after gaining so much hatred which is being noted..

and hamilton is up there in the list in just years which scares me sometimes that what will be coming to him in future years..

surely he would like to improve his image.. :?:

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Joined: 12 Jun 2008, 03:45

Re: The most hated man in Formula 1


Let him stay the way he is..

All the people that like him, it's not because of the media it's because of his achievements.. the reason people hate him is because of his achievements and the media rubbing it in..imo

There is obviously going to be haters anytime there is a great change..

Suck it up haters lol!!

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