I live in Singapore (i m a french expat) so i can maybe shed some...err. light on the subject.
The progress on the track lighting has been fast in the past 3 weeks and the overall setup is tighter than it seems.
First the track is setup in a part of the city that is already very well lit. It is one of the most happening and busy parts of the city. That s one good point: you wont get the industrial-area cold looking feeling of valencia.. you are looking at a real city track.... and tight at some points..
And the venue is much much more spectacular than Valencia.. there is a grandstand area called "marine Parade" with 3 large screens, 7000 seats, and the cars coming just in front of the grandstand..and disappear just UNDER... really cool and super narrow.. Think maximum steering Loewe's-like (cannot call it anything else

) Think "la piscine" in monaco..but much much bigger.
Visually, when you are "there", the amount of lights setup is massive. I have seen the actual test done here at night and it does not "feel" like night. It s more like a race run at night while having day-like visibility. It s much much brighter than any Lemans pitlane by a factor of 10.
The only issue i see, with my limited racing experience (emphasis on "limited") is that finding out braking points will be a little tougher to find.
The tarmac in singapore is very matte, like monaco, and does not have a greasy or shiny aspect. Hence reflections should be limited.
Rain happens, actually the past three weeks have been miserable..at least we ll have our quota for the month i hope

but spray with regular cars is inexistant. Mostly because road drainage is very very good.. It s not worse than a monaco wet race.. Once rain stops, the road dries VERY quickly.. i d say no more than 7 laps before a very dry line appears.. i m not exaggerating.. !
As a side note, there is a very serious racing aficionado crowd in singapore. Malaysia has had a "halo effect" here since Sepang is about 140km away. The GP is sold out and i expect the crowd to be no less knowledgeable than a Monaco crowd. Maybe not the "harbour glamour" but more the "asian class".
Dont expect any issues with Marshalls and volunteers, they ve all been trained by their australian counterparts..
Let me know if you want to know more... I hope i ll have good photos to share a month from now