I recently glanced at a forum which discussed which drivers would be happiest at which team; it was based on temperament ......latins at ferrari and icy swedes at ML sort of thing
well I don't agree......I feel that the best results come from the matching of the characteristics of the car and the style of the driver ...give a driver a highly competitive car and keep him at the pointed end and the rest won't matter to him is my belief
take ferrari for example ...suits massa extremely well , and although he isn't the driver that kimi is , he gets similar results ; why ? the car is better with a smoother style which massa has , whereas kimi prefers the more aggressive method ; if they need another driver in a couple of years ferrari should go for someone like button who likes the smooth approach ; for me , alonso , a top driver in my view , is completely the wrong guy ...he is at his best with the super aggressive approach which renault used to have with the tailored michelins ; trulli I always see as very smooth , but the pressure on an italian at ferrari from the tifosi and the press is always too much
Mclaren have moved toward a smoother style chassis this year to get closer to the needs of using the ferrari bised bridgestones , not close enough to get the same results [ ferrari , after all ,worked with them to develop the range ] , but closer all the same ; obviously hamilton is close to getting the best from the tyres [ if you listen to the renault podcat you will hear their engineers comment how well hamilton uses the tyres this year ], but kova has struggled after the more aggressive renault chassis [ notice that alonso is doing no better this year than kova did last ]...unfortunately for kova McL moved towards the smooth end of the scale just as he joined them ; maybe he will be the last of the finns at McL , if you have driven in finland , especially in winter , you will know where the driving style comes from
once in a very long while a driver comes along who can drive just as well whatever the characteristics of the car ; anyone who had the privilege of watching jimmy clark will understand why his contempories felt it almost unfair that they had to compete against him , whatever the car he could always outdrive anyone else with the same equipment ; I remember when graham hill and clark were team mates , hill would spend half the night with the engineers trying to squeeze a little extra out of his car .....clark would just turn up and drive whatever he was given ...and win ; senna was close , but in my view hamilton shows signs of being the the first driver since of the same standard ...he is just a beginner learning his trade , is the opposite in character to the pleasant and taciturn clark , but the signs are there , hence all the jealousy
big changes on the way however , who knows what style will be needed where !notice how the fiat boss is saying no alonso next year , not never .....maybe the kart style driving like alonso will be perfect for ferrari under the new regs , so goodbye massa and a much happier kimi