I'm disgusted with that penalty. It was a brilliant race, and an excellent finish and now I can only look back on it with pure disgust. I guess it's to be expected the same silly stuff happened last year and Ferrari were handed a championship on a silver plate.
In my opinion that was nothing more than a racing incident. They were side by side with Hamilton probably infront in the chicane, Hamilton bailed out, let Kimi pass and then regained the position fairly again. Kimi got his position back further into the lap as rain caused carnage and then he spun and lost it agian... I mean come on it's not like McLaren released Hamilton into the path of another car in the pits

I hope McLaren protest this to the fullest extent - then the FIA will throw in the "bringing sport in to disrepute" card and I say bring it on! Where's the petition I'll sign it!
If they wan't to penalise Hamilton for whatever then fine. The fact is Massa clearly broke the rules in Valencia and got a fine. Then here Hamilton get's a win taken away for something that probably gained him the same amount of time Massa gained from that pit exit in Valencia... It's just so rediculous!
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but I can't help but feel sometimes that these championships are fixed - last year in Brazil Kimi was down in third in the championship - Bernie Ecclestone says "I think Kimi will win it"...