"And those people should not be listened, those who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness."
Is that true? Let's see. You know "our" style around here: don't give me opinions, give me numbers.
So, let's forget Alcuin opinion for a moment and let's find our own numbers.
Here, at F1Technical, our respected webmaster has posted polls for almost every race this year. I just took the results of the polls, put them in a file and started to compare to my heart's content your predictions and the results. Are you "semper insaniae proxima sit", or, on the contrary, is your collective voice the voice of the gods?
Number of races polled this year: 12 out of 13 (not counting Monza, which hasn't happened yet, nor Great Britain, which wasn't polled)
Number of votes: 37580
Average number of votes per race: 3132
Number of winners predicted correctly: 5
Number of winners not predicted: 7
Here you have the percentage of votes for each race. In yellow, the driver with more votes, in red the driver who won.
Well, semper insaniae proxima sit most of the time

What can I say? Maybe that Stafford Beer, the cybernetist, would be delighted by the trend (those studying System Engineer will get my drift). Maybe that Miguel or someone with the same eagle eye will discover that the script I made or the dynamic table I constructed is wrong (who knows, I'm not going to check again).
Anyway, I'll say only this: Hamilton is not the favorite winner of the people.
Why? He's winning.

If I have time, I'll come back to this data.