Scotracer wrote:The steering wheel does move and the hands move with it...
Right, watched it again. They do for a dew degrees

I'm more used to full 360'. My own wheel is set to 450' lock-to-lock for openwheelers (and the same for ingame setting). perhaps it's the issue of a replay mode. You also forgot to mention that the hands moce with the wheel because they aren't attached to the body
Scotracer wrote:Also, the sounds are much better than the ISI BMW -- each car in the mod has its own sounds are they are pretty close to real life.
But the sounds are awful, honestly. Low, mid, high and max rev samples, on and off throttle samples don't merge properly (poor overlapping), and backfires often sound like it's something separate and independant from the car. CTDP's BMW sounds are miles better. They're not perfect, but at least they work.
More Singapore:
(turn the volume up a bit)