hurril wrote: ↑11 May 2019, 11:35
Is the compressor twin-exit? I can see one [exit] leading to the left intercooler. What do we think here?
Yeah i m looking for same here. It must be singlescroll compressor exit with split exits to L&R side.
Let me explain: Here i draw crude drawing:
There is no space for twinscroll compressor exit.
On picture above {1} i draw yellow hatched area there is blockage for 2nd exit from compressor. There is no space, because the oil tank is in the way. At least i cannot see free space there. To made low exit from compressor possible.
Honda using singlescroll turbine since inception. Heck even from 2015 where they had somesort unicorn compressor in the V-ee of the ICE.
I speculate they are spliting the single exit into two L&R pipes look i draw pipes under {2}. They could use free area near and under oil tank {3}. Route the pipe between monocok and battery terminals like on picture below {4}. Similarly splitting pipes sys like they used from 2017 on top towards to the plenum {5}.

Theoretically they could use RA617H oil tank shape. That could potentialy made twin scroll possible look on that {6} cutout into oil tank below. But i think Honda had 4 yrs experience with single scroll compressor and its performance is probably well understanded. And maybe current solution is even lighter per unit volume ant its CoFG.

"And if you no longer go for a gap that exists, you're no longer a racing driver..." Ayrton Senna