The pace of Renault is indeed spectacular for a season end!

Sadly, I fear there will be lots of Ferrari and Mac Laren trolling after this GP since both team made some controversial moves. Hamilton's start was a shame and clearly deserved a penalty, and Massa's mistake on him needed to be adressed by a penalty too. I sincerly do not think that Massa made a shuey on Hamilton, he just tried too much and ended braking on the grass, which provoked the contact. But for sure his reaction then is not very good, and he is still under investigation for colliding with Bourdais (that move was clumsy) and possibly may have troubles for going over the pit exit lane with Webber. That's what is called asking for problems IMO. I hope the stewards wont decide to take some penalty for the next race, as the championnship would suffer a lot from that.
I didn't understand what happened between Nakajima & Coulthard at the start. At first it seemed like Naka had hit DC, but on the replay I think I saw DC went sideway before the williams hit him.
I knew Williams would suffer on such aero demanding circuit, but seing Rosberg fight with Fisichella was rather disapointing... Let hope 2009 will be better.