Hamilton, the next Montoya

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Hamilton, the next Montoya


I am a big Hamilton fan. I used to watch F1 before but never have I been so attached to a driver. However, I keep get the feeling Hamilton's the next Montoya.

Very fast, very agressive. But a racer at heart who is unwilling to settle for points and always willing to have a go. With the resurgence of Renault, BMW coming up the field and Ferrari as strong as ever, Hamilton will most likely not get another shot at a WDC if he doesn't do it this year.

Browsing various forums, even the staunchest Montoya haters seem to reminisce fondly of his battles with MS. Perhaps Hamilton will be remembered the same way. Always having a go in an era where drivers are too scared to take a risk.

Doesn't look too good for Lewis. I wonder how long Mercedes will tolerate coming so close the the championship and yet give it away due to silly mistakes.

Jersey Tom
Jersey Tom
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Not sure if I'd call it a Renault resurgence. They got pretty lucky with the last 2 wins.
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


The problems that he's caused, I believe were intentional(illegal) and have effected other drivers from advancing through the use of thier natural racing talents. The stewarts normally only make him do a stop & go which is not appropriate for his actions.

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Well, I'm not objective here (when have I been objective? Nobody can accuse me of that :) ), but Hamilton is not as brave as Montoya, nor he has the same obstacles to surmount. That's evident. Juan (and Fernando!) are outsiders in the british racing world, while Hamilton... is not.

If you mean that he's going to fail at "his" championship, don't worry, he'll get it.

What he will not get is much love from the non-british bleachers, because he's an arrogant... lad, nor much respect from non-british fans because he has been pampered by the press and his team beyond belief. With all due respect, of course. ;)

Next time you wish to compare Hamilton failures to the career of some driver, may I suggest Jenson Button? :D

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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Jersey Tom wrote:Not sure if I'd call it a Renault resurgence. They got pretty lucky with the last 2 wins.
Lucky enough to stomp the piss out of the most highly developed cars on the planet when they are in the midst of a title race?

I don't think that luck had any more to do with it than the luck that put all of the elements that could support life together in one place with the perfect temperature to make things happen.

Alonso has been the best driver on track for the last 2 races, and there is honestly no person that can have any credible denial of that simple fact.

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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Ciro Pabón wrote:Well, I'm not objective here (when have I been objective? Nobody can accuse me of that :) ), but Hamilton is not as brave as Montoya, nor he has the same obstacles to surmount. That's evident. Juan (and Fernando!) are outsiders in the british racing world, while Hamilton... is not.

If you mean that he's going to fail at "his" championship, don't worry, he'll get it.

What he will not get is much love from the non-british bleachers, because he's an arrogant... lad, nor much respect from non-british fans because he has been pampered by the press and his team beyond belief. With all due respect, of course. ;)

Next time you wish to compare Hamilton failures to the career of some driver, may I suggest Jenson Button? :D
Excellent post.
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Conceptual wrote:
Jersey Tom wrote:Not sure if I'd call it a Renault resurgence. They got pretty lucky with the last 2 wins.
Lucky enough to stomp the piss out of the most highly developed cars on the planet when they are in the midst of a title race?

I don't think that luck had any more to do with it than the luck that put all of the elements that could support life together in one place with the perfect temperature to make things happen.

Alonso has been the best driver on track for the last 2 races, and there is honestly no person that can have any credible denial of that simple fact.
I have changed my mind and I hope Montzemolo does, too -- I'd love to see Alonso replace Kimi (Ferrari can easily afford to buy out Kimi's contract - or sell it to another team.)
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


"No hay mal que por bien no venga"

A Spanish said that means something like: "Theres no evil that does not come for good"

I´m referring to a (probed) Troll and the good thread (thanks to Ciro) that came after that.

Now I bet (big bucks) that Alonso will stay at Renault and I bet (coins) that Renault will be in a very good shape next year. Fernando has the (rarely in these days) ability to know how to help his engineers to develop a car.

Too much parentesis for today :)
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


donskar wrote:I have changed my mind and I hope Montzemolo does, too -- I'd love to see Alonso replace Kimi (Ferrari can easily afford to buy out Kimi's contract - or sell it to another team.)
Ferrari won't need to be able to afford to buy Kimi out - if Alonso comes along, you can bet the Santander would be thinking about how nice their logo would look on a Ferrari livery - they'd find the money :wink:

Hamilton is not another Montoya - the basic difference is that JPM is a free spirit who bucks against rules and does things for the hell of it.

LH is a young guy, who will do what is expected of him - but, right now, he seems unable to hold his head. He has some growing up left in him.

P.S. - After last years toy throwing session FA has now put the focus back on his driving (and the guy who was great at Renault and loved by many fans in 05 & 06) - he has reminded us that is really is a GREAT driver (perhaps he will also have learned from 07 too...........)

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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


I have nothing against Hamilton, but if he doesn't set his attitude to 'stun' rather than 'kill' he's going to blow this championship again. He doesn't know when to quit and that IS going to cost him. I applaud hard driving and fighting all the way, but you have to know when a glass of 'whoa boy' is good for you. He didn't need to fight anyone at the Japanese GP. I think if he had just followed Kimi through turn one and rode out a good fast pace and finished on the podium he'd have done himself a huge favor. But instead he went balls out and it cost him dearly. ANY points he gives away is a bad thing. Ron Dennis really has to sit him down and reel that kid in, or he's going to blow it again. I know I'm getting back to Alonso, but you have to compare the two because they were teammates. Alonso again showed why he is a DOUBLE World Champion in Japan. He kept a level head, used great strategy, and drove the wheels off his car. Like a true champion should. He didn't lose his head and overextend himself. If Lewis and McLaren as a whole had sat back and observed the way Alonso operates they would have been World Constructors champions last year, World Drivers Champions last year, and I would bet some of my failing dollars that the same would be true this season. They have to reel Lewis in and tell him to keep a level head and take calculated risks.

And Montoya is the greatest driver ever to sit in an F1 car! Look at him in NASCAR. Them boys is scared of him! :lol: (joking about the greatest ever in F1 of course, but damn close!)

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Rob W
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Ray wrote:I have nothing against Hamilton, but if he doesn't set his attitude to 'stun' rather than 'kill' he's going to blow this championship again. He doesn't know when to quit and that IS going to cost him.
I agree on the first part but, when you look at it from a historical point of view, Hamilton didn't drive overly risky in the race.. The first corner incident has been seen in probably 1/4 of the races in the last ten years - yet only now does someone get penalised.. the fact is, he was driving the same way many others have before and is commonplace in the first lap where space is tight, tires are cold and tensions are high.

So far as the Massa incident goes, seriously - everyone go and watch the video again - Massa plain and simple missed the corner turn in. He practically gave Hamilton the place, it wasn't Hamilton being risky or lunging too hard at all.. the only risky driving came from Massa's desperate attempt to recover which led him to cutting the corner and hitting Hamilton.

For all his antics in the past year this race is not a good example at all of Hamilton driving dangerously or flippantly. The end result is the only thing which leads people to criticise him - but, by all rights, if he hadn't been pinged for the first corner and then knocked off by Massa everyone would be claiming what a brilliant drive it was.


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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


I don't think LH will be the next JPM, they have so many differences and only thing in common a great susceptibility in making costly mistakes, and not even making them in style. Most F1 teams would cheat given half an opportunity, and most drivers would try to gain an unfair advantage given half an opportunity, and that's fine by me as I consider it part of antagonism at its highest level, but at least you have to do it either in a way that you don't get caught, or spectacularly enough to compensate the crowds for the fact you are doing it in the first place! Previous F1 champions have cheated big time, or have messed up things big time, but both JPM and LH do it/have done it like amateurs. Massa as well. So, what comes out of it is not an image that they would go as far as to break the rules in their determination to win, but an image that they have absolutely no control of the bloody car! And get punished for it, and rightly so! I mean, seriously, all 3 have driven great races, and all 3 have made such stupid mistakes that it makes you think twice before handling them a championship... Same goes for Kimi this year.
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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


I agree somewhat with what 'andartop' says..

All teams try one way or another to bend the rules and far as they
can flex, but only ONE team has been caught and you could almost
safely say it was started by alonso ( or let out of the bag )

Look i understand why the british so desperately want a championship, they
just havent had one for so long but now they are trying to take the heat off
themselves and placing blame mainly on their rivals. Hamilton is in the middle of it all

How appropriate since its the red cars that evidence has shown mclaren were coppying from

Even if mclaren win this year, personaly for me its not counted (i also know this will not be the case by so many of you) But its not like i dont have my reasons

Ill start the title battle from next year onwards....

Everyones an F1 expert........

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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


Jersey Tom wrote:Not sure if I'd call it a Renault resurgence. They got pretty lucky with the last 2 wins.

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Re: Hamilton, the next Montoya


The biggest difference between the two is the Fitness aspect, JPM was in good enough fitness to run in F1 but LH is in superb physical condition. Even with Kimi usually beating JPM in McLaren I think the two were on par in terms of driving skill, and even more so in their lack of desire/focus. If it was JPM that was at McLaren for a couple years and KIMI was the newcomer who got injured "playing tennis" I think the results would have in JPM's favor. Experience with a team counts for alot in F1, example Massa in Ferrari.

Alonso may have good technical feedback(how much does that really matter, unless you are fast at doing it... Look at where WuRZ is... driving the FIA medical car)but he's not as fast as Lewis, Alonso will only outpace Lewis if he has a distinct advantage such as when he was on the superior Michelins during his 2 title runs. HAmilton has all the tools to be a great champion.

If HAmilton raced for points and didnt go for the wins I wouldnt be a fan of his.