FOTA/FIA agreement

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FOTA/FIA agreement


your thoughts?
I'm pleased that teams are acting as unity. Was Max intimidating them?

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


Of course Max was. He was bullying them into what he wants - he's done that for years.

I'm glad that the teams are still against spec engines. And just dump KERS - what a waste.
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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


Am OK with KERS...butif Max wanted it so bad..why is is an optoin for next year rather than a compulsion?

Looking forwards to the results of the meeting being released.

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


From an article I read, there are plans to standardize KERS as well. Just great.

I usually don't share my views on this, but I seriously hope that Mosley ends his FIA presidency in October of 2009 and that someone else leads Formula One in a more appropriate direction. Mosley has accomplished many great things, but that is no more and his leadership should come to an end as soon as possible.
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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


Remeber this is all rumours thus far... with that said.

Just As I thought they will keep the engines as is till 2013, only extending the life to 3 races next year and possibly longer afterwards.

Standard KERS would be retarded, but I dont think it will be implemented. Max clearly said it wont go down...
"To standardise a new technology which is directly relevant to the biggest single problem confronting road transport - energy efficiency - while allowing continued development in wholly irrelevant areas such as Formula One aerodynamics, is not rational," said Mosley.

"Technologies like KERS, as well as the recovery and re-use of exhaust energy and heat, should be the future performance differentiators in F1, not old or useless technologies such as ultra-high-speed engines or F1-specific aerodynamics."-Max Mosley

The only way it happened is if Domincalli somehow sneaked it in without the other manufacturers consent.

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


The results of the meeting are not very clear, but some things are rearkable.

1. KERS will definitely come next year. optional as it has always been. If they get it right you will have to have it.

2. KERS will be standardized from 2010 in a compromise to reduce cost. Max lost that one. So teams can stop KERS entirely. In 2009 impact will be low. In 2010 they can buy it.

3. Engine supply will go down to 10 mil € next years for those who pay more today.

4. Testing will be reduced,

Beyond that nothing seems to have been achieved.

Ferrari have got their way in KERS.
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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


Standarizing KERS for 2010... mmmm, another example of bad planning. Some teams already have spent a lot of money for the 2009 KERS systems. This money will go to the trash can?
Well, the teams couldn't have had done something against this, it was a one sided regulation change done by the FIA. I think that things will be more smooth now due to the presence of the FOTA.
"We will have to wait and see".

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


If KERs is optional next year and standardised for 2010 will we see the teams agree to not run it in 2009 and right off the money theyve spent already?
Ferraris dis advantage negated? Just a thought...
Where has talk of the budget cap gone? This is the best way to decrease costs and make a more level playing field as whatever is cheap or standard just allows more money to be spent on other developments!
(Max, paying women to smack you and F%$K you when you can get it up is still paying hookers, and it was you that lied to your wife for 45 years not the SUN!)

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


So absolutely nothing has changed - its just been a smoke and mirrors exercise and the status quo remains. Sorry looks like we now have the opening there for customer cars - wonder how Frank Williams feels about that and if his previous legal threat/argument would stand up to the 'subtle' way the customer car issue is being handled - he'd also be mighty chuffed that Williams purchased a company to handle all the technical issues of KERS - why if its controlled from 2010 - what a complete --- up Mosely is. :x
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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


I wonder who will supply the Kers system from 2010. Probably the most advanced developer who wins the respective tender. I bet the tenders will be for very short periods like year on year as the systems will be developing rapidly. That way Automotive Groups can still have a serious go at it and perhaps recoup some money by selling it to all the competitors.
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


What a complete waste of time - and KERS is a massive failure for Moseley.

Let's get this straight - the new road relevant technology introduced by Moseley is optional for next year and then standardised the year after. What team in their right mind is going to waste bucket loads of money on developing a KERS solution for next year, only to have to bin it immediately after.

Either no teams will run KERS, a highly visible failure for Max. Or a couple of teams will persist, but gain no benefit from KERS, meaning huge outlay and costs for no benefit - another failure for Max and his big talk of cutting costs. Or the odd team that gets KERS right will have an advantage over the rest of the field that didn't develop it, making for a one sided championship - another failure for Max and Bernie.

F1 under their stewardship is turning into a ridiculous farce of itself. What's the point of KERS now? Where does this leave HERS? Can only hope that they either retire or get ousted.

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


Once again, all this speculation on rumour... Di Montezemolo, when talking about the agreement has mentioned nothing about a KERS standardization agreement. ... 0332.shtml

He says thats what FOTA wants but he mentions nothing of an agreement. I personally dont think thast what all of FOTA want but I think they are just using silimar tactics as MAx & Bernie did in China.

Wasnt Max pushing for engines deals to cost 5M Euros? How did it jump to 10M?

Seems like a testing reduction is in the books as well, maybe they will lengthen friday practice? But then again the teams dont run every second of that either.

To further help the small teams, standard parts(like brake ducts) should be tenderd out to them, since they will be using customer cars chasis anyway(STR & FIF1). They still shouldnt get constructor points, only customer points, and therfor less FOM money.

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


I dont like the idea, that anything STANDARD has been introduced into F1.
It has legalized the concept of something "standard" in an F1 car.

Soon, someone will suggest standard brakes ("well, why not we have standard KERS), standard gearboxes etc.
But maybe the teams will agree to dumb KERS entirely. [-o<

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


woohoo wrote:
Soon, someone will suggest standard brakes ("well, why not we have standard KERS), standard gearboxes etc.
But maybe the teams will agree to dumb KERS entirely.

Funny you quote that (or i didn't understand your post) but that's exactly what teams offered: standard brakes and standard gearboxes and a two year homologation on chassis. The Fia offered in addition standard suspensions, standard undertray.

I've got the impression that there'll be as much reason to be upset with the next chassis oriented meeting as now with the powertrain.

I don't mind that much the standard undertray (well in addition it brings a huge favorable factor in the wake signature problem), i don't mind the stanadrd brakes (they already use third party brakes anyway..) but the standard suspensions and gearboxes are just opposed to the engineering standard.
And then what really bugs me is that the worst (according to my opinion of course) ideas come from...teams. What in the hell a F1 with a chassis homologated for Two years will be? It is already sad about the engine!

And that standard KERS story is a bit rude too.

We'll see anyway but i do hope they'll stay with as much "performance differenciators" as possible.

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Re: FOTA/FIA agreement


I'm confused, I thought it said that KERS is optional in 2009 but must be fitted as STANDARD for 2010? Where's all this 1 solution come from?! :?
- Axle