BBC Team for next year

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BBC Team for next year


Alluded to on, the Daily Mirror of the F1 World.
"...Brundle is set to team up with current Red Bull driver David Coulthard, Jonathan Legard, Lee McKenzie and Jake Humphrey when the BBC takes over the F1 rights from next year."

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Re: BBC Team for next year


Indeed and the rest of that article is about how the FIA are trying to get rid of Brundle...because he speaks his mind and isn't their pet.

It will be yet another disgrace if the FIA get their way.
- Axle

Joined: 20 Mar 2008, 21:58

Re: BBC Team for next year


axle wrote:Indeed and the rest of that article is about how the FIA are trying to get rid of Brundle...because he speaks his mind and isn't their pet.

It will be yet another disgrace if the FIA get their way.
If true then I am shocked!!! Why oh why can't the FIA stick to being a sporting regulator rather than trying to be all round evil political bad guys? Surely being a sporting regulator is a whole lot easier and much less hassle.

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Re: BBC Team for next year


I'm split over Brundle. He beats the everage F1 comentator by length in trems of knowledge and the level of professionalism. On the other hand he isn't neutral in many issues as he continues to manage drivers and supports teams that employ those drivers. So you always have to take his opinons with a pinch of salt. He can be a bloody opinionated bugger when his pet issues are touched or someone fails to take side with DC whom he manages. I don't like to see manipulations as they are intmidated in the arcticle. On the other hand Brundle delivers enough amunition to raise objections just by the way he goes about his business. This could be simple rumor mongery in his favor. whatever it is it will sort itself out as Brundle has enough publishing power to keep the Beeb honest.
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Re: BBC Team for next year


I wouldn't like Coulthard being involved, can't stand the bloke.

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Re: BBC Team for next year


JamesS wrote:I wouldn't like Coulthard being involved, can't stand the bloke.
But he would have up to date f1 experiance, something which brundle/blundell are lacking at the moment.

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Re: BBC Team for next year


I watched the ITV broadcast for the last race over the web because I wasn't at home and Brudle was doing it. I thought he was terrible man. I agree that he has the knowledge but he is not a journalist. I don't think he has good command of the show. I think he can be a great analyst, but as far as being the face of that show I will have to say he simply sucks. They need an actual journalist to be the top guy there and then they can have these drivers that will analyze situations hopefully without taking any sides. That journalist may have little knowledge, but those guys learn quickly and he'd be mostly running things rather than making substantial comments.

Look at the Speed TV crew. A few years back they were not great at all mostly because the journalist guy (don't remember names) was terrible at it and he was trying to do too much. Then he realized that he was working with experts and the following year got better. Now I think they do a very good job. They do take sides a little bit on LH but not too much to bother anybody, and besides, everybody is siding with LH these days. I also love how they have an engineer because he does offer some really good analysis from the viewpoint of engineers. So, yes, the American channel Speed has assembled a pretty good crew (if they only cut down on adverts a bit).
My favorite is Peter Windsor running around the pits trying to find people. Also, no wonder he's selected for the press conference. He's quite good with great charisma.

Although I don't like the FIA trying to oust Brundle this way, I think the BBC should take a look and they will see that this guy is not up to standard to run the show in the first place. They can find a knowledgeable journalist who's an expert in broadcasting and have this dude (or DC, I wouldn't mind) as analysts. Not more than that.

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Re: BBC Team for next year


Brundle was only running the show cause the usual host couldn't - he's not a presenter and I don't think he thinks he was just the result of a set of circumstances.

For all the pro's and con's of having Brundle in the Technical Authority role in the commentary booth the simple fact is that it should be 100% the BBC's choice, not the FIA's!

I would prefer Brundle over Couthard any day...I don't see how those 2 can exist in the same team unless DC's involvement is not core to the televised coverage - ie he maybe doing features only.
- Axle

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Re: BBC Team for next year


WhiteBlue wrote:I'm split over Brundle. he isn't neutral in many issues as he continues to manage drivers and supports teams that employ those drivers. So you always have to take his opinons with a pinch of salt. He can be a bloody opinionated bugger when his pet issues are touched or someone fails to take side with DC whom he manages.
This in my opinion is absoloute rubbish!
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Re: BBC Team for next year


Personally I like Brundle because although he is a few years out of racing, he still understands the politics and enough of the technical stuff to keep us interested from managing DC. He can be controversial (Canada 08 pre race comments) but he speaks his mind and it's good to see someone who won't be bullied by the FIA. Most roll over and give in.

Also reference his presenting skills - he wasn't great, but the other options were Blundell, with his dodgey grasp of the English language, and James Allen, who would've most probably had a dribbly fit over LH's win and worse than Brundle. Louise Goodman would've been ok but then we would've had very little from the pits during the race and I think that adds quite a bit to the program.

I've also heard that Brundle has had some involvement in getting DC the TV job for next year, which is a shame. I guess I'm a bit old fashioned expecting people to get a job on merit!


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Re: BBC Team for next year


I would like to see both Brundle and Blundell on the team - a drivers perspective makes the presentation more valid, even if the experience is dated, they still understand what it is like. Some of the overly excitable presenters are a bit much. It was the two sides of Murray that his excitement built up then got the better of him. Can't stand the itv presenter bods. Pretty made up personally as I work there anyway...
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Re: BBC Team for next year


Well, im all for Brundle continuing the commentary, he provides concise relevant and interesting comments based on his insights to the sport which journalists (such as the ever infuriating, error prone LH adoring James Allen) lack.

I also think it is good to have a strong character in this role & he shouldnt be ousted because of his opinions (people have opinions this is life) obviously its the BBC's choice & if their ethos & his dont match thats how it goes, but the FIA dont have any say in it!
Hungarys race was commentated by Damon Hill & James Allen, & while i found Hills comments engaging, he fell to the background of Allens twitterings, whereas Brundle does not.

Allen seems to me far more opinionated then Brundle inanely babbling about Hamilton when actually some of us wanted to know what was happening in the race. Fortunately for him his opinions match "popular consensus" so no one complains, personally i want Brundles own opinions up in the commentary box, not a conformist know nothing.

Joined: 30 Oct 2008, 13:15

Re: BBC Team for next year


jddh1 wrote:I watched the ITV broadcast for the last race over the web because I wasn't at home and Brudle was doing it. I thought he was terrible man. I agree that he has the knowledge but he is not a journalist. I don't think he has good command of the show. I think he can be a great analyst, but as far as being the face of that show I will have to say he simply sucks. They need an actual journalist to be the top guy there and then they can have these drivers that will analyze situations hopefully without taking any sides. That journalist may have little knowledge, but those guys learn quickly and he'd be mostly running things rather than making substantial comments.

Look at the Speed TV crew. A few years back they were not great at all mostly because the journalist guy (don't remember names) was terrible at it and he was trying to do too much. Then he realized that he was working with experts and the following year got better. Now I think they do a very good job. They do take sides a little bit on LH but not too much to bother anybody, and besides, everybody is siding with LH these days. I also love how they have an engineer because he does offer some really good analysis from the viewpoint of engineers. So, yes, the American channel Speed has assembled a pretty good crew (if they only cut down on adverts a bit).
My favorite is Peter Windsor running around the pits trying to find people. Also, no wonder he's selected for the press conference. He's quite good with great charisma.

Although I don't like the FIA trying to oust Brundle this way, I think the BBC should take a look and they will see that this guy is not up to standard to run the show in the first place. They can find a knowledgeable journalist who's an expert in broadcasting and have this dude (or DC, I wouldn't mind) as analysts. Not more than that.
Hi, I've been hovering around these forums for a while now but now I've registered, I hope you'll all welcome me here.

I must admit I'm surprised by your opinion on Brundle, and can only imagine you haven't seen him doing his normal job at ITVF1. I'm assuming you're permanently in the United States (apologies if I'm wrong), or haven't seen ITV's F1 coverage for a long while now. You're right, he doesn't have good command of the show when he's hosting it - this isn't his job, though. Unfortunately the usual host Steve Rider was away doing soccer commentary and couldn't host the show. I don't think however that Brundle would host the BBC's F1 coverage. Usually though on ITV they have James Allen as the 'reporter', or journalist. He worked for many years as a pit lane reporter (although he doesn't seem to have learnt anything in that time!) before being the main commentator, which he is awful at, and I sincerely hope he doesn't transfer to BBC, I'd be surprised if he did.

I'm also surprised by your credit of Speed TV's coverage. I have seen several full races (minus ads) from Speed TV via YouTube, and can only say that ITV's coverage looks outstanding compared to it. The problem with Speed TV is they have too many people around, and they rarely give you a flavour of the atmosphere in the way Brundle, or even the excitable James Allen, does. On a side note, the Australian guy who commentates on Speed TV is truly abysmal. Without him the coverage would perhaps be quite a lot better.

I don't agree with your idea on Peter Windsor, either, sorry. He may well know his stuff and his calculations are often very good, but saying that's why he's picked for the conferences, is wrong, I think. He seems like a bit of a damp squib and I get no feeling of charisma or charm from him. I'm sure we'd all love a probing interviewer who isn't afraid to ask tough questions (Jeremy Paxman? :lol: ), but considering this is the FIA and with their seemingly endless quest to devour F1 of characters, it seems pretty unlikely. So perhaps Windsor is a be all and end all.

Anyway, I would like to see a modern F1 driver in some capacity, DC isn't to everyone's tastes admittedly but he might be less afraid to criticize LH or one of the more media-friendly drivers. I also think Anthony Davidson is a good shout, I believe he did a few races a while back and offered a good insight into the F1 mindset.

I guess I'll be happy if the BBC find a presenter who is intelligible, charismatic, knowledgeable, and unbiased. But the chances are that won't happen. So long as it isn't Jake Humphrey, he is as dull as watching paint dry. Not a liability or foolish like James Allen but offers nothing in the way of charm or insight.

Sorry for the long post, just had to give an opinion on it.

Joined: 06 Apr 2008, 00:08
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Re: BBC Team for next year


Could Suzi Perry be a good anchor woman with DC doing the Blundell role with Brundle doing the grid walk and colour comentry with a good comentator beside him.

And could Louise Goodman make the switch as well, id like to see her as well as i do like her in the pit lane, with a new person doing the same role as Ted Kravits, as i dont see Kravits going to the BBC with DC, after he called DC a average driver in a newspaper.

There are 6 posistions avalable to my eyes:

Ancorman/woman -
Colour Anchor Person - DC

Comentator -
Colour Commentator - Martin Brundle

Pit Person #1 -
Pit Person #2 -

Joined: 18 Jan 2006, 15:28

Re: BBC Team for next year


In the press story I read, Allen is giong to be replaced by Jonathan Legard, who currently does the colour commentator role on the BBC Radio's F1 coverage. To be honest I'm not that keen on his style. He's a bit too much the cliched British sports commentator - if you've ever watched any British soccer coverage you'll know what I mean. But then Allen as several people have pointed out neither Brundle or Allen are great commentators whenthey're separated but together they make a great team so maybe he'll come accross better.

There was no mention of what Coulhard will be doing in the reaport I read, and no mention of Louise or Ted Kravitz so there would seem to be vacancies for pit and roving reporter. It would be obvious to get Coulthard into the Blundell features side of things (although I seem to recall reading that Blundell is coming over too) but it might be interesting to get him as pit reporter. I think the roving reporter job needs to be an experienced journalist so wouldn't expect him there.

Of course that's assuming that the BBC are giong to stick to ITV's format. The radio coverage has a more magazine type programme that goes out on Friday evening before each GP so maybe Coulthard's lined up for something like that. I hope so - they normally do some quite nice analysis, tech featuers and build-up speculation in it so it'd be great to see something like that as part of the BBC coverage package.
