i usually read every post in these threads, but i admit im just skipping to the end to share my thoughts cause im in a bit of a hurry, so if its already been said then go ahead and skip it!
Obviously, the teams are completely against standardized engines--and IMO they should be. e.g.
from what ive read over the past couple months, KERS may or may not be beneficial---because of the weight---so we'll see in 2009 whether or not thats true. ill explain below why it makes no sense in terms of cost-cutting***, but for this line im going to say that it is completely in line with f1s green initiative. obviously the 'green' issue is a different story, but it is a step forward.
someone enlighten me: have FOTA/FIA discussed much about green racing? or have their discussions been mainly about cost cutting? is there a thread? maybe some knowledgeable person start one? =D>
in my opinion,
and given the situation ***again see below....the simplest and most effective solution would be
to just enforce a budget cap. if im not mistaken, this was one of the first proposals, but it was quickly shot down. ive read recently that some team managers/important people (to get my point across) were dumbfounded that the 'budget cap' idea was dismissed.
anyway there are probably tons of holes here in my logic, but i need to go!!!!!! so lastly i need to explain all the ****'s in my post...
i live in the usa and watch F1 on speedtv, who feature world championship winning--with benetton--mechanic Steve Matchett as a commentator (a very brilliant and insightful one at that...hes great). he makes a great point about all this stuff and i completely agree. his point is that f1 would be cheaper if the fia stopped introducing all these changes! changing from a v-10 to a v-8 costs tons of money, kers costs a ton of money, completely rehauling the aero costs tons of money, i could go on......
but in summation, the more the fia changes stuff, the more it costs!!! as an emphasis, imagine how much money all the teams would have saved if we were running '05 specs-!-!-!-money saved developing the v-8, money saved developing KERS, money saved on the transition to SECU.....i dunno, my point is that the more the FIA or whoever want to change the sport, the more it costs!!! keep smiling, everyone, believe in people!!!