I have already commented along Chaparral lines based on documents by the Victoria State Comptroller. I don't know where I posted that.
I find hard to believe they lost 40 million this year. The last report available, by the Economic and Finance Comittee of the State of Victoria, says they have been injecting around U$ 4 millions per year.
Anyway, is not how much you invest, is how large is the return, as any banker would say. The Victoria government, manager of the Australian GP, estimate a direct, immediate increase in tax revenue of U$ 8 millions because of the GP, so they think they're doing fine. Of course, they're politicians, so they are probably lying through their teeth, but that's what they say:
"In seven years of staging the event the operations of the Grand Prix Board have only resulted in a financial profit in one of those years being $41,000 in 1988.
During this time Government financial assistance both Federal and State totals $24.634 million... Based on studies available
it is evident that the Grand Prix does produce substantial benefits for South Australia even when weighed against the operating losses sustained by the Board since 1985."
Inquiry into the Public Accountability of the Australian Formula One Grand Prix Board, 2005
We all know that
every year, since 1998, a small group of land owners around Albert Park makes complains about the GP. Glad to see that this year wasn't the exception. They haven't raised the "excessive noise" issue this year, maybe they're losing some of their stamina...
On the other hand, we're happy to know that Islamatron hasn't been brainwashed, unlike most of us. If only we could brainwash
him to keep to himself personal opinions about other members... Inshallah!
I can swear that at the moderators lounge, we're relieved about him
not having time to answer Ray's post.
Finally, I would like to remind the forum that IMHO
money is like manure: if you put it all in one place, it smells bad. If you spread it around, it's called fertilizer. That's what the Government of Victoria is trying to do with racing sports and taxes. Heaven bless them and may all the governments on earth be that wise.