Autosport source reports that the woman E who failed to testify for the NotW and did the filming has now confirmed in a Sky TV interview that there was no Nazi theme.
Autosport also report that Mosley will sue NotW again and this time for libel. The facts are mostly collected. So one can imagine that this will be a very straitforward issue.
Also German Bild and Bild online are sued for 1.5 million € damages.
Is Max going to stay beyond 2009 or can he be trusted to quit?
Can we just wait him out?
Who is going to succeed Max?
Are more clubs going to leave the FIA? Do they have a successor in mind?
Will a rival to the FIA arise?
What kind of pressure is there from sponsors? Is revenue/ratings affected?
How will Bernie contain Max and limit the damage??
Will Max ever walk the grid again? Where? When?
What does CVC say about the future with Max?
What positive directions can F1 not take until Max is gone because F1 needs a visible figurehead?
Mosley will go at the end of his term I guess.
Perhaps Damon Hill or Tomcyk, the ADAC guy will succeed.
There are no clubs that have left, they only talk.
Any rival will involve only the touring clubs not the sport.
The whole thing will settle with the sponsors now that the Nazi issue is settled.
Bernie has his job cut out to get his concord sorted. He will continue to diddle in the rules issue but will eventually fail.
CVC are said to have made peace with Mosley, so I guess they will stay mum.
The FIA cannot hold big Galas in Monaco with Mosley, so that may save some money.