Spencifer_Murphy wrote:I agree in principle but I think that if you have to make a points bais towards a win larger to encourange people to race for the win, then the problem is not the scoring system but the competetors.
All of us armchair experts like to suggest new an interesting ways to encourage better racing, but I fail to see how awarding a disproportinalty large points haul for a win will change anything. Do you honestly think that (in a race situation discounting a championship campain) a driver with a chance to win a race will say to himself "Nah, actually I'm quite happy with 2nd". Of course not, what make a driver say that is the thought of a championship campain to maintain. And that adds a certain strategic element to the game.
If we remove this strategic quality from our sport you'll just dumb it down. F1 is the pinnacle of motorsport, and one of the most technically advanced sports in the world, to remove a tactical element like that will simply degrade F1 for what it is.
The behavior of the competitors is dictated by the rules, Last year when LH had to finish 4th and he outbraked himself going for 3rd past Alonso He & McLaren were roundly criticised rightfully so. This Year he took the ultra conservative approach and still nearly got burnt. The real question is do we want our champions racing to hold on to 5th place or racing all out going for the win every time? It is a fundamental question, and a very easy one to answer on my part.
On the question or consistancy versus Total wins, again let us look towards the 2007 season. Was KIMi's 6 wins(12 podiums), more impressive than LH's 4 wins(12 podiums), I would argue yes it was, even though KIMI was gifted a win in Brazil. Had Lewis finished 4th in Brazil rather than his eventual 7th would he have deserved the championship any more? I dont think so... he still would have had 2 less wins and the same # of podiums? So what would have been the deciding factor? Reliabilty, and is that what we want to be deciding the WDC?
If the points tally for a win were much larger, than we would see the top teams employing much more drastic measures to win and the drivers as well. As it currently stands a driver leading the points running in 2nd place has almost no incentive to try and pass the leader, more accurately it is a dis incntive because the risk would not be worth the reward. But if the only think he had in his mind was win he would surely stick his nose in a little harder, rather than tool around saving the engine or hope for a mechanical problem or mistake from the 1st place car.
Again I propose
1st-1000 pts
2nd- 200 pts
3rd- 50 pts
points awarded to every driver
points for fast lap, pole, most laps led & most on track passes.
The only arguement I've heard against my points sytem is that the points number would be too high... I think the F1 points are artificially low. 98 pts for the WDC? over 18 Races? thats an average of 5.44 pts/ per race, 110 for 2007, or 6.47 pts per. seems extremely low, but thts what we get with a close championship, but thats what we want, and we can still have that in my system
My system will
1-ensure the driver with the most wins is WDC
2-choose the wdc by wins rather than reliablity or lack thereof
3-make an incentive for drivers to actually race hard for the win
in every race
4-take away the disincentive for the WDC leader to attack
5-almost completely eliminate team orders
6-make every team and driver drive to the end of the race rather than retiring for no reason
7-give us an accurate depiction of who are the better drivers at the back of the grid(versus their teammates)
8-cause world peace and environmental friendliness
9-a whole bunch of good other stuff like giving points for pole & fast lap, without them making a huge effect on the championship.
edit: in regards to the arguement of strategic quality, I think my system will still allow for it being that teams will allways be looking to increase their standings in the WCC, look at the battle for 4th in WCC this year. Also teams would employ team based strategies to help 1 driver win the race. Send out a blocker to win pole on light fuel, he holds up the parade for the first 15 laps or so allowing the other driver to keep close contact while on heavy tanks and pass during the pit stop exchange. Statdy will allways be invovled in F1, as it is in Nascar... problem with strategy in Nascar is that all the Yellows destroy any pre-pallaning you can do so all strategy must be done on the fly.
The best strategy to employ is the one that gives you the best chance at winning.
I dont ever want to see another driver empolying a 5th place strategty to hold on to the WDC lead, I want to see them race for the win.