Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


ref the Mika thing - he had a fire and some (or all) of his trophies were destroyed.. :cry:

It is a not a major deal - I think once you are a 23yr old multi millionaire then keeping some trinkets for your bedroom wall is not really what drives you.

You get a replica anyways to show the family so what is the big deal?

The Phelps analogy is pretty lame - perhaps if Mr Bush provided his magic speedos and taught him to swim! :wtf: :wink:

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Conceptual wrote:That is is horse crap! Isnt that why they get the constructors trophy?

In NASCAR the driver gets to keep his trophies, what kind of garbage is it to take it away from the driver that earned them?

I am so destroyed by this revelation.
When you grow up into a big boy you might understand that McLaren uses its trophies and race cars of the past as symbols of past success as a means of inspiring its staff onto pushing the company forward for more success. I know of a lot of teams right throughout motorsport, that operate this policy.
Up until this point McLaren had in its possession every trophy ever won with the exception of two. Knowing that Ron wanted to keep all of the trophies won under McLaren, Alain Prost gave his trophy away to fans when he was on the podium one year and Ron gave David Coulthard the trophy that he won the weekend after he survived a plane crash in which two people lost their lives.
This is a complete non story.
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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


mr moda wrote: I believe that Williams also keeps the trophies.
This is true if you go to Williams conference centre this is full of past trophies and there are also the other trophies within the main building
mr moda wrote: I dont see the issue. You drive for a team. Key word being team.
Yes, totally agree F1 is a team sport. The driver keeping the trophy is like the goal scorer of a football team in a cup final keeping the cup final trophy. Yes, I know that they get a medal or a ring, but they don't get the trophy.

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


I don't see it as a huge deal, BUT I do think the driver should have the right to keep a few trophies, say your first GP win maybe?

I mean, if its not such a big deal why doesn't Mclaren keep the replicas and the driver keep the real one?

I guess that least, if the team keeps the real article, they will never get lost when a driver passes away, or if something like Mika's house fire detroys them. They can be kept like in a museum. And as a driver, as long as I got a 100% accurate replica, paid for BY THE TEAM, I'd be happy to donate the trophie we won to the teams "museum" so-to-speak.
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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Yes I was referring to Mika's fire in France.

I've read the article now and it looks like LH wanted his most prized ones but that's all, and he's got them.

FWIW, LH will need a warehouse to store all his trophies by the time he's done so why not have McLaren store them for free ;) :p
- Axle

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Conceptual wrote:I am so destroyed by this revelation. I don't know if I can maintain respect in the teams if this is common in F1...
Came on man! Don't you have anything more important to do than talking sh*t about McLaren/Ron Dennis?
I thought this site is called F1Technical for some reason!

How can such a stupid article affect your nerves so much?
Are you sure you're all right?

Let's start a REAL technical thread, boys...
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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


It makes sense in light of what happened to Mika but if I were a driver, I'd like to keep the original from my first win, at least.

Not really an issue though.
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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Also think of the capital value of all those trophies collected by McLaren - it has to run into many millions of pounds. I'd imagine that they are also very useful when helping to secure sponsors - showing them all the past successes of the team.

The drivers all go into this deal with McLaren and the other teams with their eyes open - they don't have to sign. And Ron has let Lewis keep a few of the key trophies anyway. Why is this a story?!?

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Dennis, famously an almost obsessive perfectionist, allows McLaren drivers to make replicas of their trophies, but the originals - even those won by famous triple world champion Ayrton Senna - are all housed in the McLaren Technology Centre.
I hope this quote will help clarify things. At least Mclaren makes replicas for their drivers. Just like I've said, just the other way around:
Maybe they have given the trophies back and have them replicated for display. We just don't know the facts.

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


I would have a problem if they kept them all, but as long as i could keep at least the dozen or so that mattered the most i wouldnt have a problem.

As long as i kept theese:

1st win (as its an achivement in its own right)
1st Brittish GP win (my hone GP)
1st Monaco win (who wouldnt??)
1st Monza win (ditto)
1st Spa win (ditto)
1st Wet race win
1st Hungaroring win
1st Interlagos win
1st Canadian win (when it/if it becomes was part of the calender [again])
First podium trophy
First second place trophy (if it wasnt the one above)
First 3rd place trophy (if it wasnt the one 2 above)
First lights to flag victory trophy

Those would be the ones id keep, as those would mean the most to me, altho any hone win and Monaco win i would keep.

The team could take the rest, as i wouldnt have space for them.

I could be wrong with this, but i remember reading that Michiel Schumacher gave away some of his race win trophies to his race engineer and Ross Brawn as he wanted to re pay them in some way and thats how he did it, gave them the race win or any podium trophy, he kept the ones that ment the most to him, but the others he gave to key personell in the team. I may be wrong with that one.

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?



I can't believe how many "sportsmen" on this thread don't have a problem with this. I think that I would have a sick stomach walking up to a driver that just risked his life piloting a 800hp go-kart around Monte Carlo at 150+mph for 72 laps, and snatching his trophy.

I guess just a "token" replica would be more disrespectful than appreciative since the drivers alone risk their lives on their trust for their team. I would think that defying the laws of physics and surviving to be number one would be worth the trophies that world watched get presented to you on the podium.

This is for real like finding out wrestling was fake to me. I am devastated at the core being such a cold metalic structure.

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Conceptual wrote:Wow,

I can't believe how many "sportsmen" on this thread don't have a problem with this. I think that I would have a sick stomach walking up to a driver that just risked his life piloting a 800hp go-kart around Monte Carlo at 150+mph for 72 laps, and snatching his trophy.

I guess just a "token" replica would be more disrespectful than appreciative since the drivers alone risk their lives on their trust for their team. I would think that defying the laws of physics and surviving to be number one would be worth the trophies that world watched get presented to you on the podium.

This is for real like finding out wrestling was fake to me. I am devastated at the core being such a cold metalic structure.
I'll say this slowly....







He went into the deal with his eyes open, he's said as much.
- Axle

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Conceptual wrote:This is for real like finding out wrestling was fake to me.

:wtf: No offense, but you are too childish for your age. Grow up and let it go, there's no point to all of your drama.

Driver's don't compete simply to get some lame trophy, they compete to win races and championships. The physical prize is the least important aspect of winning in competition. IMO.

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


I would want all the trophies from races that in any way was special

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Re: Do all teams keep the drivers trophies like McLaren?


Conceptual wrote:Wow,

I can't believe how many "sportsmen" on this thread don't have a problem with this. I think that I would have a sick stomach walking up to a driver that just risked his life piloting a 800hp go-kart around Monte Carlo at 150+mph for 72 laps, and snatching his trophy.

I guess just a "token" replica would be more disrespectful than appreciative since the drivers alone risk their lives on their trust for their team. I would think that defying the laws of physics and surviving to be number one would be worth the trophies that world watched get presented to you on the podium.

This is for real like finding out wrestling was fake to me. I am devastated at the core being such a cold metalic structure.
Wrestling's fake? Absurd.


I would love to have 1st win titles and driver's titles; that's about it. Everything else is just routine.
Bring back wider rear wings, V10s, and tobacco advertisements