Brazil GP 2008

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Re: Brazil GP 2008


To me it is just good that Hamilton won, to show that anybody no matter what skin colour can win a Championship at the pinnacle of motorsport. F1 needs some more variation.

Hamilton may be half white (a mulatto), but he is still regarded as black body saw him as half white when they were bashing him. Me being a black person, it only made me sad to see all what was happening.. it made me feel that the world is only open to some and not all, no matter how perfect you are.

And that is why I feel good that Hamilton really broke barriers.. half white or not, he looked different.. and he empowered millions.

imagine now that no one will be underestimated just because of skin colour. He reached out more for F1 than any other driver, bad attitude or not.

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Re: Brazil GP 2008


Anybody know what this means? Can the FIA shut down a car remotely, or at least disable it/give the driver a cue to get out?


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Re: Brazil GP 2008


n smikle wrote:
Hamilton may be half white (a mulatto),
The term is "mixed race". Mulato is such a pejorative and demeaning term that it is no longer used, not this century anyway.
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Re: Brazil GP 2008


Ray wrote:Anybody know what this means? Can the FIA shut down a car remotely, or at least disable it/give the driver a cue to get out?
Pedro Mtz de la Rosa was raving about seeing the "FIA lock" on the spanish broadcast. You may remember that to avoid the use of the differential and the engine map as an effective TC during the starts, the FIA banned any change to those settings (at least the engine mamp) during the first, I don't know, 30s. "FIA lock" refers to that period.

PS: Am I the only one that got pissed because the best cam for the race was effectively disabled on Turn 1?
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Re: Brazil GP 2008


miguel wrote:PS: Am I the only one that got pissed because the best cam for the race was effectively disabled on Turn 1?
Nope, I was, and I bet whoever pushed to get that camera on the helmet (Helmet-Cam?) was pissed that his "invention" (for F1 at least), got knocked-out after so much (i imagine) lobbying with the FIA to get it there in the first place.

It was a great camrea tho, and I really hope we see it again in the future. Quick point tho:

The camera in the helmet must increase weight, WHY ON EARTH did DC use it at Interlargos of all places?! I know last race n all but surely that would have been a serious pain in the neck (if you'll excuse the pun) seeing as its such a demanding circuit on the neck muscles anyway?!

I guess he's the only guy with a neck built up enuff for that lol :lol:
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Re: Brazil GP 2008


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Re: Brazil GP 2008


Great links timbo , =D>
thanks a lot
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Re: Brazil GP 2008


Re: FIA Lock.

If you can remember back to Bahrain, Hamilton's bad start was due to the fact that he didn't change the engine to the start map before the lock came on. When he tried to start, the anti-stall kicked in.

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Re: Brazil GP 2008


Did it say "FIA O Cock!( #-o )" ?

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Re: Brazil GP 2008


LOL @ Modbaraban. Maybe its a new way to tell the driver that he's under investigation by the race stewards?!

@ timbo...thanks for the links. Never seen a helmetcam (or at least I dont recall seeing it) being used on the live race feed. It's about time, it offers the fans a chance to see what the drivers see's...much better than those rollbar cams in as much as you always hear how bad the visibility is but it always looks better on the rollbar we can really see what the drivers are talking about.
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Re: Brazil GP 2008


Spencifer_Murphy wrote:@ timbo...thanks for the links. Never seen a helmetcam (or at least I dont recall seeing it) being used on the live race feed. It's about time, it offers the fans a chance to see what the drivers see's...much better than those rollbar cams in as much as you always hear how bad the visibility is but it always looks better on the rollbar we can really see what the drivers are talking about.
I think that in Coulthard's case the cam is in worser position (lower than the eyes) comepared to Alonso's and Kubica's helmet cam, so in reality pilot has better visibility than it seemed from DC's footage. Realistically, the car is undrivable with that visibility! The best position I believe is in Kubica vid - it is one the same level as eyes, slightly to the side, while Alonso's cam is higher than the eyes.