Great vids ciro thanks for posting them.
On the topic:
Conceptual wrote:Wow,
I can't believe how many "sportsmen" on this thread don't have a problem with this...
One of the greatest sportsmen of the 20th century (in fact BBC's Sports Personality of the Century) is Muhammad Ali. There is dispute about the truth of this story but it conveys the point across well:
After winning the Gold medal at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome that year, Muhammad Ali (then Cassius M. Clay) went to a resturant to eat, upon arriving he was told that this was a "white only" establishment and, gold medal for his country or not, he wasn't welcome.
Needless to say this disgusted him. Wondering how on earth this so-called "centre of the free world" could parade him as a national hero for winning the gold medal but then deny him the oppertunity to eat with his fellow countymen based soley on the colour of his skin, Ali threw his gold medal into a river.
Like I said many believe this story not to be true but I guess you get the point. Another story, told in the movie "Ali" tells of how Drew "Bundini" Brown, a close friend of Ali's, SOLD his world title belt. Ali - frurious at the time - later forgave Bundini.
The point is that the history books will read what the man achieved. The medal/trophie/belt won for that achievement is nothing more than a symbol of that victory, and no matter if somebody takes the symbol away from you, that fact you achieved it fair & square can never be taken away. History cannot be rubbed out.
I understand your displeasure about this trophie business, but the drivers have the choice to sign for Mclaren & live by those rules and - as Lewis has shown - they can argue for a bit of leighway. But the drivers who sign for mclaren will be well aware that, trophie or not, they are putting themselves in with a chance to takes wins (
plural), and maybe a title or more. And that, when your a true sportsman, is all that matters.
I never got many trophies for my atheltic achievements in school, but the fact of the matter is I won a helluva lot of races, and at one time held the record for my year over 1500m (it could still be standing but I havent gone back to check in over 4 years!) and to me, thats all that matters. Trophies would be nice, but nobody can take away what I achieved.
Silence is golden when you don't know a good answer.