Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1

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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Reading the James Allen notes, it looks like in Japan there were rumours about Toyota pulling the plug not Honda.

So we could see another casualty before the start of 2009.
- Axle

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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Now this really make me wonder what the FIA want from F1. One minute it's cost cutting and the next it's a better show via radical new technical regulations.

I'm sorry but those two ideas are mutually exclusive. Maybe it would have been a good idea to postpone those rule changes until the global economy is in a better state. Nobody has money to spend, so what we'll do is introduce a raft of new regulations that require HUGE amounts on money (even by our crazy standards) to be spend making a car that will be competative.

What F1 needs are some rules to limit spending that doesn't involve unfeasible situations, like budget caps. With budget caps suitcases full of cash will start being exchanged as they don't have to declare that to Max. We need a limit to the number of personell. Maybe certain items can be standard, as it is we have a standard ECU and Tyres. What about standard brakes, or rather a single brake supplier?

How about having a system so that teams MUST finalise ALL engine development by the 4th race of the year (allowing for mods for reliability) after that no more cash can be spent on engine development. And a limit to the number of modifications that can be made in one year. I mean think about the money that must be spent on "Monza-Special" aero packages. Like that REALLY make any difference to the final race result, or improves the show in anyway.

How about we don't insist the technical regulations change radically once every 2-3 years. The last 2 seasons have been the most competative in recent years, with a tiny amount of time separating the Mclarens & Ferraris from the Force Indias and Hondas. Why not keep that until people have money to spend on making overtaking easier.

Yeh sure overtaking maybe easier with these 2009 spec cars....but only for Mclarens, Ferrari's, BMW's and maybe Renaults. Those like Force India & Williams are going to struggle to even come close to matching that pace, let alone bloody overtake them! And all the money spent may remove such teams from existance.

Maybe....just maybe, having A SHOW at all is a little more important than improviong the quality of the show. At least for now. But it's all become so commercially biased nobody cares about that, the ONLY reason they want to improve overtaking is to improve the show to those who don't wartch F1 already, drawing in a larger audience, and thus encouranging more companies to give Bernie & Max lots and lots of money due to greater market exposure.

Whatever happened to the likes of Chapman, Tyrell, Ferrari & Cooper? Tony Vandervell? They'll be turning in their graves at this sort of display! Could you imagine Mr. Ferrari's response should Max have suggested to him that he has to use a standard engine to compete in F1...oh and it'll be made by Cosworth. I'm 100% sure the language used would have been bluer than Ken's Tyrells!

Its about time F1 got back to its roots, not technically but in terms of its business model. I'm not saying lets go back to the 50's. But look at F1 in the 80's and 90's....the business model was working, there was loads of money involved, bu know...RACERS could still be invoved. What a state we are in when the likes of Williams, Multiple World Champions, and one of the most successful teams ever is laguishing at the back of the grid due to ONE thing...lack of Money.

It's about time those in charge wake up and smell the coffee. Just because Bernie has $2.4bn to do what he likes with does not mean other companies do! God it makes me angry.

P.S sorry bout the long rant.
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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Speaking of Nick Fry, he was quoted today saying that the cost of running an F1 team was "350 MUSD, give or take".

350 MUSD to finish next to last, who hired this guy and what happened to F1 anyway?
"I spent most of my money on wine and women...I wasted the rest"

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Ciro Pabón
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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Sorry for the rant: it's not F1. It's the world and, specifically, car manufacturing and recession, as discussed here many times. F1 doesn't exist in a vacuum.

The Bush doctrine is costing dearly to all of us, if you want my opinion. In Borat's words: "I support the war of terror". :)

The world is so interconnected (it always has been) that you cannot overlook the "big news" and declare that it doesn't matter if rich countries do whatever they wish with the money invested in them by the entire world.

Now, Alonso was lucky not moving to Honda.

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 10:14

Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Ciro Pabón wrote:Sorry for the rant: it's not F1. It's the world and, specifically, car manufacturing and recession, as discussed here many times. F1 doesn't exist in a vacuum.

The Bush doctrine is costing dearly to all of us, if you want my opinion. In Borat's words: "I support the war of terror". :)

The world is so interconnected (it always has been) that you cannot overlook the "big news" and declare that it doesn't matter if rich countries do whatever they wish with the money invested in them by the entire world.

Now, Alonso was lucky not moving to Honda.
Very true. But, say, to Williams it is a case of scaling down their business, as F1 is their only occupation. For a manufacturers F1 is a moving banner, that they can easily sacrifice.

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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


This is the trouble with having manufacturers instead of racing teams.

Now shareholders have a say in racing and corporate red tape gets in the way and we all suffer.
- Axle

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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Metar wrote:Martini Racing? [-o<

Finlandia F1, featuring Kimi Raikkonen and Heikki Kovalainen. Kimi will be the team's driver, and the sponsor's biggest customer. :lol:
??? Absolut F1 ???

There are a couple of extremely creative people finding sponsoring (Williams with NiQuitin is a good example). And that idea is just brilliant.

I'm imagining a Jack Daniels livery all around. JPS-style!

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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


In hindsight Honda was the most lightly to quit out of the big five. They have struggled massively over the last two years and really failed to live up to any expectations since 2004. They were leading everyone to believe that they had cancelled all the development on the 2008 car to concentrate on 2009, with the rule changes and adaptation of KERS levelling the playing field. However, that said we have experience a major change in economy since the last qtr of this year and this is impacting heavily on the auto’s and the auto’s can’t now justify spending money on sport when they are laying off people and shutting plants or going on short time working.

Ever, since Honda has returned to F1 they have been marketing led rather than engineering led and as such from a brand / market perspective investing large sums of money to come next to last makes no sense. If they had been engineering led, it could have been argued that the R&D for the 2009 cars could be inputted to road car technology. Also from a marketing led strategy how come they had no title sponsor, or in fact any other sponsor’s, the earth-car was a bad idea unless this was used to his the lack of sponsorship. With a title sponsor / some other form of sponsorship the cost on Honda would not have so great, and maybe they could have survived.

That said I don’t think Honda will be last to quit before / during 2009, I think we could see Renault, STR and possibly Toyota quit. Also, have doubts about Force India and Williams; there are conflicting reports about Williams some saying they have a full budget and some saying they are struggling.

When the standard engine / gearbox was announce I was against the idea, but I think that we are now entering radically different economical conditions from what we have not seen since the 2nd World War and if this can guarantee the future of F1 then it will have to be adopted. However, the F1 economic model could be totally reviewed as there is a lot of money flowing around from TV rights, promoter race cost, etc and this is not going back into the sport, if it did maybe the teams and the race tracks wouldn’t be in mess.

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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Good interview with Max Mosley in Autopsport
Q & A with Max Mosley

By Jonathan Noble Friday, December 5th 2008, 14:00 GMT

FIA president Max Mosley has been warning for several months that manufacturers could leave the sport unless drastic cost cutting measures were made. On Friday morning his fears were realised when Honda announced they were quitting the sport. heard from Mosley in the wake of the announcement when he spoke to a select few media about his reaction to the news, his feelings on the future and why the sport's long term future remains positive.

Q. What is your reaction to the news that Honda are withdrawing from Formula One?

Max Mosley: "It is very sad because obviously there are a lot of jobs, they are a key player in the sport and they have been for many years.

"I must say it was not totally unexpected. I had been expecting one of the major manufacturers to stop for some time, even before the current situation the costs were completely out of control. Now it is difficult to imagine how any manufacturer could stay in unless we make substantial reductions in costs."

Q. Are you expecting any other manufacturers to follow suit, with Honda's decision perhaps starting a domino effect?

MM: "We've had no specific information, but unless we can demonstrate to the directors of these big companies that the costs are coming right down, I don't doubt they will start to discuss the possibility."

Q. Is this a wake up call that the big manufacturers need?

MM: "I think it is, there is no doubt. The teams, to be fair to them, had a meeting yesterday in which they discussed a lot of cost cutting. They (also) had a previous one and they are certainly making an effort, but the question in my mind is whether they are attacking this in a sufficient root and branch way.

"I am hoping to have a meeting with all the FOTA teams in the next days, and then we will discuss that. I don't think there is any doubt now that there is a real sense of urgency."

Q. If another team does pull out and we are reduced to 16 cars on the grid, does the sport then lose some credibility?

MM: "I think it would start to be very difficult at that point. But provided there was a powertrain available, an engine and a gearbox, I think it quite likely that one of the old style F1 entrepreneurs will buy the remnants of one of these teams, providing they can do so on reasonable terms.

"I think everything depends on having a powertrain available. If we can achieve that, then we may get a shift in ownership of one or two teams, but I don't think we will lose a team. In the end the assets are all there, it is just a question of if we can use them."

Q. Nick Fry has said there are three parties expressing an interest in buying Honda. Are you aware of anything?

MM: "I don't know of anybody, but I do know a lot of people who would potentially be interested. But the first question they are going to ask is 'what are the terms?' The second question is 'where would I get my engine and gearbox from?' That is the reason we sent this letter out today, because we want to have an engine and gearbox available should it be necessary."

Q. Does more need to be done for next year to help bring down costs, prior to the 2010 major reductions?

MM: "They (the teams) made a whole lot of steps yesterday to reduce costs further, but 2009 is very difficult because in so many respects, the die is cast. The moment where we can make really massive reductions is from 2010, but we have to get through 2009 first.

"I believe the teams have already done a lot and we can probably do more - I think we keep 2009 under control, but the real rationalisation of F1 cannot now happen until 2010. But it can happen then."

Q. Will 2009 therefore be a difficult season for F1 - to keep teams on the grid and to keep the sport moving along?

MM: "It could be difficult because nobody knows how serious the world financial crisis is going to be. It affects everybody, it doesn't just affect the teams, it affects the ability of people to go to the races, it affects the ability of the organisers to pay a fee, it affects corporate hospitality, it even affects the television viewers in various ways.

"It is difficult to predict, but in a way we are at the mercy of the overall situation - but what we must do is make sure we do everything possible to ensure we have done every step we can to get our costs under control. That is all we can do, and then hope for the best.

Q. The global recession has been a key player in Honda's demise. Have the FIA's regulation changes also played a part – especially with KERS being so expensive in the short term despite the good reasons for introducing it?

MM: "You have to see these things in proportion. The top teams' budgets are in the order of £200 million. The number of employees is between 700 and 1000. I don't think anybody is spending more than $10-15 million on their KERS systems, so you are talking about less than ten per cent of the budget.

"Obviously if you cut costs then you have to look at everything - but the first place you go if you want to cut costs is the gearbox. It is a complete waste of money and costs more than KERS. The wind tunnels and aerodynamics are a complete waste of money and cost more than KERS. There are a whole package of things – there is not one issue that can solve the problem it has to be done as a package."

Q. Does F1 need these gizmos? Bernie Ecclestone has talked this morning saying the average man in the street does not want to see these things – he just wants to see cars racing?

MM: "You need the technology that everyone can understand. KERS is a very good example of that. It is recovering the energy when the car brakes and using it again, and that is directly relevant to the road.

"Everyone understands that if they can use the energy they buy at the petrol station two or three or four times, rather than once, which happens now, they would have an advantage.

"But the gizmos that are a complete waste of time are the really sophisticated gearboxes that nobody sees and nobody knows about, except the gearbox man who prepares it and maintains it.

"It's the same thing with the engine and the aero – whether there is a little twist on the front wing, nobody knows. KERS is something that everybody understands. The aerodynamics, the gearbox, the ultra high-revving engines, the lightweight components, those things nobody can understand.

"I will give you one example. The suspension on one F1 car costs something in the order of £5 million to £10 million just to maintain because of the material. If it was made of steel, just like it was a couple of years ago, it would make absolutely no difference in the grandstand and would cost a few thousand a year rather than a few million.

"The brake ducts on the cars, they cost a fortune because they are very, very sophisticated. Nobody knows anything about that, and nobody could tell you which brake duct belonged to which car – only ten people in the world could tell you that.

"Then you look at the wheel nuts. One of the teams is using 1000 wheel nuts per year, but they only use them once because they are ultra light, and they cost $1200 USD each as they come from California. It is completely unnecessary and nobody gets any benefit from that at all. There are endless examples like that, so in a sense Bernie is right.

"But KERS is just fundamental because apart from being understood by the public, when the sponsors say to you, how can you be involved in F1? It uses a lot of fuel and is a conspicuous consumption of energy, we can say F1 is developing a new system that is much more efficient and lighter than the current road car systems to recover and reuse energy.

"KERS would be the last thing I would abolish if I was abolishing things. I would start with the things that make no difference.

Q. If you look at the two Japanese manufacturers you would probably not have chosen Honda as the one to withdraw. There are Red Bull with two teams and questions about how long he can keep sustaining both of those. Before long, you could be at 14 cars on the grid. What happens then?

MM: "That is a good question because the first thing in the old days is you would say to the teams that you have to run three cars each. But they would probably reply today that they cannot do that.

"What I am trying to do is something completely different, which is to say to the teams we have to get the costs down to get to the point where you can run on the money you get from FOM, on minimal sponsorship, and then one of the big car companies or Red Bull would not have to put their hand in the pocket.

"At the moment, it is difficult and if it starts to get down to 14 cars or fewer then you have a serious problem."

Q. Do you expect races to follow suits – we have already lost the French and Canadian Grands Prix?

MM: "I think some of the races may be in difficultly, particularly in Europe, because the fee has gone up each year but they have been insulated from the increased fee because it was paid in dollars and the dollar has been weak for the past five years against the Euro.

"Now that has completely reversed, and the dollar has become more expensive in Euro terms, their fee in their own currencies has gone up dramatically. So I think we may find some of them in difficulty. That is a matter for Bernie, he has to make sure there are enough races on the calendar."

Q. After what we have seen with Honda, what is your feeling on the short term and long term future of F1?

MM: "I am very optimistic about the medium and long term future, if we have a route and branch revision of the costs. We've got a complete programme we would like to put through, but we have to get the teams to agree to most of it. If we do that then the costs will come down to the point where the whole thing will be viable. If we don't do that, then I am not optimistic."

Q. Have you seen FOTA's latest proposals to reduce costs, and are you optimistic they will achieve the aims to cut costs?

MM: "I've been informed about meeting yesterday in some details and I've seen the proposals from earlier meetings. I don't think that yet goes far enough, but I don't think FOTA would say they have finished the process.

"Much more needs to be done for 2009 but as I said that is very difficult. Much, much more needs to be done for 2010. We need to have a radical revision of the whole thing – we have got to get the costs down not by 10 or 20 per cent, but down to 10 or 20 per cent of what they are now – in that sort of region."

Q. So a team on a £200 million budget now will be expected to run for £30 million in 2010?

MM: "Exactly. I would expect a team to be able to run in the 30-40 million pound bracket. If we can do that, then a combination of what they get from television and central rights, and what they can get from sponsors, should make the teams viable without huge subsidies either from the car industry or billionaires. But without that, I don't really see where the money is coming from.

"The thing you have to remember is this: We can get the costs down to the region we are talking about and it can be done without the man in the grandstand or on television noticing any difference at all. If you look at the letter I sent out this morning - the gearbox will cost 10 per cent of what existing gearboxes cost, and the only difference is it will be about 5kg heavier. But if everybody is using the same one it doesn't matter. When everyone is competing it does matter and they spend a fortune getting there.

"If you go into the detail, it is completely mad what goes on at the moment. Huge sums of money are spent to gain the tiniest advantage – and it is that we have got to stop. We can make all these changes and no one will notice.

"There are very few businesses in the current economic crisis where you could take out 80 per cent of the costs without the customers noticing anything."

Q. Have you had any reaction from teams regarding your standard engine proposal this morning, and do you expect four to sign up by next Thursday?

MM: "I've had positive reaction from three different teams but whether they will be in a position to sign up we will have to see. Also, we may have a meeting of everybody between now and then."

Q. How are negotiations between the FIA and FOTA going?

MM: "There is a very, very good dialogue going on. I was late for this call because I was on the telephone to Mr. (Luca) di Montezemolo. We speak regularly, and both of us are absolutely determined to solve the problem, and I am optimistic that together we can."

Q. Has today been bad for F1's image?

MM: "I don't think so. I don't think it will affect F1's image as long as we don't lose any more, but also as long as we can replace them. That is what is important."

Q. Are there replacements out there? Are there any other manufacturers out there?

MM: "I think there are at least two manufacturers who would have been in F1 some time ago were it not for the outrageous costs."

Q. Could you see those two entering in 2010?

MM: "It's possible. If we get the costs down to the region I am talking about then what you might call the old style F1 entrepreneurs, the kind who have been squeezed out over the last few years, will start to come back.

"The only reason why you haven't got some of the classic old people, without mentioning any names, is that they simply cannot find the money at the moment. They couldn't even in the good times, it wasn't possible – the only people who could were billionaires or car companies."

Q. You've talked about a budget cap in the past. Does it get closer after what happened today with Honda?

MM: "I think we've moved beyond the idea of capping. We've moved into the area where we are looking at allowing certain parts of the car to be developed and be a performance differentiator, and not allowing others.

"Once you do that, then you are looking at very small areas and you can police it very effectively. Then we start to get into the detail of what I am going to talk to the teams about. But it is completely doable – we've given it a great deal of thought and we know how to do it. It is a question of getting everybody on board."
Formula One's fundamental ethos is about success coming to those with the most ingenious engineering and best .............................. organization, not to those with the biggest budget. (Dave Richards)

Joined: 15 Nov 2007, 03:33

Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Should this be used to open the door to tobacco sponsorship, not only in F1, but in the EU as well?

In this economic crisis, the tobacco manufacturers are still making huge profits.

Is that a legitimate way to "stimulate" the economy? I never thought that tobacco ads in any way influenced my usage. The only tobacco "ad" that ever influenced me was the poster about gum disease in my dentists office! :shock: :shock:

Anyways, lets see what that does to the rest of the landscape. Honda's sponsors will probably jump to other teams (good for them), and a whole lot of talent may have just drove down the cost a bit in the engineering/management pool.

It sucks to lose a manufacturer, and I doubt Honda is the last to take this route. STR may be watching from home as well, now that Red Bull owns 100%.

Hey, with 2 teams for sale currently, is it possible to pick them up at 1/2 price? Maybe Aguri Suzuki needs to get some private money together, and buy Honda. At least it would make them competitive!

Joined: 24 Jul 2006, 23:25

Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


I can't stand Nick "Deer in the headlights" Fry. He was pretty much responsible for the horrible Earth Dreams livery by picking some pop-music marketing firm with no racing experience whatsoever. Of course F1 is expensive when you have ZERO sponsors! He also contributed to the demise of Super Aguri. About the only good thing he did was get Ross Brawn to join the team, that was probably only to save his own butt from getting fired.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 14:39

Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Having said that the Williams business model was obsolete, the FIA has now done a 180 and has decided, rightly or wrongly, that manufacturers as team owners are poisonous to F1. It is a simple question of demand and supply regarding cost cutting. If teams do not have unlimited funds available, they cannot spend them. Rather than try to negotiate with teams, the FIA has decided to cut finances at source by making F1 less attractive for manufacturers as team owners. It may not be a long term strategy and it may change in the future. In the short to medium term, it will allow F1 to survive and adjust and it will also allow everyone to evaluate their involvement in F1.

There have been reports that more than one buyer has expressed an interest in Honda F1. Do not expect any buyer to be ready to throw away £300m+ pa for the sake of F1. No buyer will enter F1 in the current climate without assurances from Max and Bernie that costs will be slashed. If that kind of buyer existed, they would already be in F1.
Williams and proud of it.

Joined: 03 Feb 2007, 16:41
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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


monkeyboy1976 wrote:

Could David Richards convince another group of investors to buy Honda F1?
In a word: NO. He does not have the track record to run with the big boys needed to buy the (ex) Honda team
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

Joined: 03 Feb 2007, 16:41
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Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


By coincidence, I happened into a bookstore last night and bought the Autosport “F1 2008 Review.” It supports my belief that in addition to cost cutting, F1 needs a more equitable distribution of earnings as well as an overall system that provides more value for manufacturers and sponsors.

I usually don’t quote from F1 style publications, because they are so late getting here to the depths of Texas, USA, but this is too important. From Mark Hughes, “Ever decreasing circles of F1”:

“Formula 1 may have lost the Canadian and Chinese Grands Prix from its long term future . . . North America and China are two massively important markets for the car manufacturers. We are going for the first time next year to Abu Dhabi, a stone’s throw from Bahrain, a fixture on the calendar since 2004. Both venues are of tiny interest to the car manufacturers.” [How many Hondas, Toyotas, Renault and Nissan are sold in Abu Dhabi and Bahrain compared to the sales figures for the USA, Canada, and China?]

“It seems the more that F1’s commercial rights holders chase increased revenues, the less value the sport represents to its participants . . .”

“Where is this process heading? The sport is becoming less relevant to the participants and less affordable to the hosts . . .”

“Which sounds more appealing; a series with a mix of US street races, traditional European venues, plus probably Japan, China and Australia with technically diverse cars? Or a version of GP2 labeled F1 with precious few European rounds, none in North America, but plenty in the Middle East?”

There is much more; I recommend the article in its entirety to all. Forgive me for repeating myself, but "cost cutting" is at least partially an attempt by the shameless charlatans and cunning con men -- Max, Bernie and their cohorts -- to draw attention from another problem, the way they are shamelessly raping F1. They seem to have forgotten the timeless truth of the story of the goose that laid the golden eggs.

F1 has survived some pretty bad times, but I am very worried about what comes out the other end of the current tunnel F1 is in.
Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

Joined: 22 Oct 2007, 12:01

Re: Honda F1 in trouble, and withdraw from F1


Just 2 quick points

How attractive would Honda be as Honda are not going to continue even as an engine supplier and the new car must've been designed with the Honda engine and KERS system. Surely this would mean at this late stage that any car would be a last minute cobbled together car with packaging (and consequently aero issues) and compromised weight distribution. Or it would lead to the prospect of a new car mid season which means the buyer is going to see little or no value from the team this year in terms of race results. I hope they find a buyer and make it work but it doesn't look good to me.

And the other comment. Earlier this year Max stated

“One of the big manufacturers said if we can get the budgets down, so they are not having to spend €200m, but €50m or less, they’d be in the sport for ever,” said Mosley. “But if they keep on having to spend big, they have to be winning, and clearly they can’t all win.” ... 382042.ece

I wonder if they knew about Honda thinking of pulling out then unless cost reductions were agreed before the begininng of next season and the current financial situation has just accelerated their decision?