Racing Point RP20

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Re: Racing Point RP20


Morteza wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 11:14
Just_a_fan wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 11:13
There are some small detail differences such as the radius of the sidepod inlets and other bits that look like RP copied the design from photos. :lol:
Here's what their technical director, Andy Green, said about the car :mrgreen:
Andy Green wrote:“For 2020, we designed the car from scratch, starting from almost a blank sheet of paper – which is very exciting, because the team hasn’t been in a position to do this in a very long time.

“We’ve applied everything that we’ve learnt over the past seasons, combined this with what we’ve seen adopted by some of our competitors, and we’ve given it our best shot at optimising the final season of these present regulations.”
"Almost a blank piece of paper"

Did that almost blank paper have a Mercedes letter head and a connect the dots on it? :lol:

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Re: Racing Point PR20


JasonF1 wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 11:06
Sidepod shape and sidepod inlet are noticeably different.
Well, they leave something for updates. :lol:

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Re: Racing Point RP20




Via AMuS
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Re: Racing Point RP20


Albert Fabrega wrote:Racing Point rised the impact structure and lowered the sidepod cooling intake. Different to RP19, similar to W10. =Front wing.


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Re: Racing Point RP20


Alright, i think we all got it now. I'm moving the Discussion about how it came to the RP20 to the Team Thread. Let's not clutter up this Thread ok?
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Re: Racing Point RP20


Last edited by Morteza on 19 Feb 2020, 13:02, edited 1 time in total.
"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."~William Shakespeare

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Re: Racing Point RP20


Morteza wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 12:49
Last years

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Re: Racing Point RP20


astracrazy wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 13:00
Last years
Thanks, I edited the post.
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Re: Racing Point RP20


The radiator inlet of the car although looks similar in design to the W10 it's a bit different...maybe that has to do with the new cooling requirements of the new Power Unit!

But the rest of the car is a W10 i would say! Copying a design or getting it ready from a competitor is one thing...getting it to work properly though is another! But sure they look quick already...

I'm curious to see what developments they are going to bring all season long...since the W10 was already highly developed and at the end of its design cycle i would say...since that was the reason Mercedes turned to the high mounted radiator inlets! =P~

They must be exploiting the Ferrari - Haas relationship...Haas is getting last year's Ferrari for the last 2-3 years! Nothing new here! 8)
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Re: Racing Point RP20


Well I was right that the RP20 is last year's car lightly evolved - it just happens to be last year's Merc rather than last year's RP :lol:

It's a bold move to take what was a front of midfield car at the end of last year and completely throw out the concept, especially after having worked so hard on the packaging and internal arrangements. They seem to have gone backwards on the radiator intake! I would have thought there was a risk they'd spend half the year trying to understand the different concept. But it seems to be working for them so far, so what do I know?

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Re: Racing Point RP20


"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."~William Shakespeare

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Re: Racing Point RP20


Thunder wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 12:36
Alright, i think we all got it now. I'm moving the Discussion about how it came to the RP20 to the Team Thread. Let's not clutter up this Thread ok?
To quote myself from not too long ago. This time i will move the posts. From now on i will just delete. So be warned. :wink:
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Re: Racing Point RP20


Thunder wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 14:54
Thunder wrote:
19 Feb 2020, 12:36
Alright, i think we all got it now. I'm moving the Discussion about how it came to the RP20 to the Team Thread. Let's not clutter up this Thread ok?
To quote myself from not too long ago. This time i will move the posts. From now on i will just delete. So be warned. :wink:
Given the, seemingly, unusual situation where the similarities with last year's Merc are quite high, are discussions around differences from the W10 permitted?

I get that the discussion of the related politics belongs in the team thread.
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Re: Racing Point RP20


Damn, Racing Point... Why. Just why...

So this is what we will do: we will allow pictoral comparisons between the RP20 and the W10. Members are allowed to point out hardware features and similarities, as well as the function of that.

ANYTHING outside those parameters will be responded with the delete button.

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Re: Racing Point RP20


So an example what does NOT belong here, but in the team thread:
I think it looks reasonable from the teams' side to save resources and money for the 2021 car and just bring "refreshed" W10 instead of refreshed RP19. Maybe they made calculations and find that refreshed W10 is better variant for them. But I think there is still a possibility for them to revert to / convert to their sidepod inlets, and some other aero bits.
This is a hardware topic. Stick to the hardware. Motivations and whatever are for the team thread.