F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question

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F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


Hi everyone,

Can anyone send me the list of f1 chief designers and their contact information, websites, etc.? 8)

Thanks in advance


Joined: 03 Apr 2006, 18:10

Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question



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Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


Can i get the list of the presidents AND their contact numbers and address?

Joined: 30 Nov 2006, 05:01
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Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


Without being rude, you could very much do that yourself.
This site is to contribute and learn, not to ask for things on a golden platter.

There is plenty of information on the net, and I'm sure that by going into the teams websites you can get contact information. And google is your best friend, don't forget that.

If you can't find all of your needed information then come back and we will be glad to help. Otherwise keep on working those search engines.
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Jersey Tom
Jersey Tom
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Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


1) Why?

2) Yea right.
Grip is a four letter word. All opinions are my own and not those of current or previous employers.

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Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


Enzo Ferrari was a great man. But he was not a good man. -- Phil Hill

Joined: 16 Apr 2008, 05:38

Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


newabb wrote:Hi everyone,

Can anyone send me the list of f1 chief designers and their contact information, websites, etc.? 8)

Thanks in advance


Joined: 05 Apr 2007, 17:44
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


Are you interested in championship winning teams' tech heads only or any team of top 10 will do?

PS: And one more thing before we all rushed out collecting the info. Did you ask Charlie Whiting first?

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Joined: 23 Oct 2008, 07:18

Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


There's a list?

To be fair this is the sort of question I might have asked if I was just starting out (oh I shudder to remember, but we live and learn).

Their just people right? human beings like you and I. They put their trousers on one leg at a time and probably read the the paper on the crapper. Also being professionals they are probably aware that their product is only as good as their workforce, so why shoudn't they talk to you about the possibility of future employment.
Who doesn't like to share their knowledge and give the benefit of experience, that's why were posting on this forum, mainly :)

Unfortunately Newabb You've got to remember the amount to which the top guys in F1 have smoke blown up their asses day in, day out by the people they work with, and then when they come home they only have to google their name to find people like us heaping praise remotely. By some measures they are doing things which are VERY important you understand!
Unfortunatly their too busy to give career advice on an individual basis but you will likely find interviews on the net with the big men of the sport, probably on sites to do with training you, where someone asks the question, 'What advice would you give to someone seeking a career in Motorsport?' I should imagine right now they would all be saying, 'put it on hold' so a lot of it may be out of date, but still somewhat relevant.
I should imagine the number one thing would be, be prepared work long hours, possibly away from home a lot. (maybe a lot less relevant now???)
Also try and enter through an Apprenteship program or relevant degreee course, hopefully interning at a team or supplier.

This is probably all they would regurgitate to you anyway should you be deemed worthy of a reply, however at least they had the decency to get it out there right? If nothing else than to stop everyone asking them the same questions over and over.

Personally I've noticed a bunch of people make the connection after working for suppliers of suppliers, a track record is a reat boost, and they know you will be used to working to their deadlines and quality levels.

I have totally assumed that is what you want to ask these people because I saw another post of yours elsewhere asking about career options so I'm gonna end up pretty shat on if all this is off topic. Shame on me. No good deed goes unpunished.

Joined: 24 Dec 2008, 01:21

Re: F1 Chief Designer Contact Information Question


Hi donskar,

Thank you very much for the link!
