Tilke is hit and miss. Sure, he has many tracks forever blemishing his record, but Istanbul is one of the better tracks out there.
Alright maybe he's more miss than hit though
Well, actually it does mean. Read this, pleasetk421 wrote:Just because a track is new doesn't mean it can't be 5 or 6 miles long with only 12 or 15 corners, a high average speed, and still have plenty of overtaking opportunities...
--Appendix O to Technical Regulations: Procedures for the Recognition of Motor Racing Circuits--The maximum permitted length for straight sections of track is
2km. If the circuit is intended for FIA Championship, Trophy or Cup
events, the length should be calculated to satisfy the minima
stipulated in Supplement 2. It is recommended that the length of
any new circuit should not exceed 7 km.
--Appendix H to Technical Regulations: Recommendations for the supervision of the road and emergency services--"... the distance between consecutive posts (disregarding supplementary posts) should not exceed 500m"
"... the (emergency) vehicles can reach any part of the circuit within appropriate times and that they carry the appropriate personnel and the equipment listed in point 8.3.1 for fire-fighting, 9.4 for medical and/or 10.2 for rescue."
Thanks for the previous post, always interesting to read that sort of analysis. On a lighter note, given the Hockenheim example, he would probably remove one of the greatest straights in the history of European motorsports and replace it with a Mickey-Mouse like twisty bit around the toilets.Ciro Pabón wrote:I don't know what Tilke would do at Le Sarthe..
Only, asking, but does it actually mean?Ciro Pabón wrote:Well, actually it does mean.
The maximum permitted length for straight sections of track is
2km...... It is recommended that the length of
any new circuit should not exceed 7 km.
About total cost, it's my opinion that you could gain track length by cutting down on the extravagance of the facilities; to keep the facilities as functional as they've ever been, and to still accomodate the 'high-rollers,' but maybe bin some of the over-the-top frills. Additionally, safety features are dependent on the type of circuit (street v regular/road)Ciro Pabón wrote: The reason I can come up with for this "regularity" is that the construction cost of the track and the cost of the operation are proportional to length. Besides, you are restricted by safety regulations
Ciro Pabón wrote: you see that high speed curves are not good for overtaking, are truly risky and cost an eye to the track owner because of the safety zones they require.
I couldn't agree more. Obviously I didn't say itCiro Pabón wrote: Perhaps the new aerodynamic regulations can change that fact
I've seen worse Curve 1 layouts.modbaraban wrote:As a simracer I must admit I hate that spiral T1 in Shanghai. Race cars don't like to turn and brake at the same time. It's like.... well, you know how some turns put a smile on driver's face? This one like many other 'tilked' corners gives the direct opposite of that feeling.
And as a spectator I have no reason ooowhatsoeva to like that turn. It looks slow, there's no overtaking *yawn*... zzzzzzzzzzzzz