More to read about the Golden Ratio. What I noticed - it's everywhere.
I love the side by side racing through there, especially in the rain.... outstanding!modbaraban wrote:Nice technical exercise that is but...
As a simracer I must admit I hate that spiral T1 in Shanghai. Race cars don't like to turn and brake at the same time. It's like.... well, you know how some turns put a smile on driver's face? This one like many other 'tilked' corners gives the direct opposite of that feeling.
And as a spectator I have no reason ooowhatsoeva to like that turn. It looks slow, there's no overtaking *yawn*... zzzzzzzzzzzzz
I have to aggree with you on this one, as a fellow sim racer, T1 at Shanghai is just hell to me in F1: CE on my PS3. That with T7 and T13 together make my tyre selection and setup hell. I get T7 and T13 set up right, i just cant get the rear end to stick on T1, get T1 right, i compromise T7 and T13 to the extent that i need to modify my line and change where i put the power down.modbaraban wrote:Nice technical exercise that is but...
As a simracer I must admit I hate that spiral T1 in Shanghai. Race cars don't like to turn and brake at the same time. It's like.... well, you know how some turns put a smile on driver's face? This one like many other 'tilked' corners gives the direct opposite of that feeling.
And as a spectator I have no reason ooowhatsoeva to like that turn. It looks slow, there's no overtaking *yawn*... zzzzzzzzzzzzz
So, spa has got 100 meter wide paved areas?Ciro Pabón wrote: So, if you contemplate the idea of an extra 6.5 km of sweeping curves, for the excitement of fans, you have to think of the need of 100-meter-wide paved areas around the track.
Dont figure out, you dont need toCiro Pabón wrote: I cannot imagine how to figure out the fact that the access road are longer because of those safety areas, because you're increasing the size of the perimeter of the track.
Ciro Pabón wrote:A track should be as flat as possible, this increases exponentially your maintenance costs.
Sum the time the drivers spend at 3Gs or more in the whole race and that will give you maybe 10 minutes (thats not 2 hours) and in different directions. So your "heavy earing" theory doesnt applyCiro Pabón wrote:Meanwhile, I think drivers are not happy with "our" proposal for a 7 mile long "chain" of fast curves.
A fast sweeping curve at 200 km/h means a load on the neck that is truly the proverbial "pain in the neck". Keep that load on your head for 300 km and we're talking about the risk of serious accidents caused by G forces around 3-4 Gs. That's something hard to balance against that lonely benefit. Not even jet pilots have to resist 3 Gs for 2.5 hours...
G-G diagram: it shows you the acceleration capabilities of a car, and it is used to estimate the envolvent of trajectories I mentioned before. In an F1 car, the lateral axis has a scale that goes up to 3.5 Gs and all of them are used by the driver.
If I may ask a favor, tie a 10 kg weight to your head, incline your head to the side and keep the weight lifted for the next two hours while you play R-factor, then answer me: how do you feel about the architect that designed such a "working" place? And how did your lap times improve?![]()
Its not about quantity, its about quality!Ciro Pabón wrote:Finally, I don't know if the extra-excitement for spectators that a track double the length would bring is diminished somehow by the fact that you'll have half the laps: you'll see the cars less times; actually, you'll see them half the number of times, because the length of the race is more or less constant (as Miguel explains).
Im affraid 80 laps in Valencia is not technically possible due to falling asleepBelatti wrote:I would rather see 44 laps at spa than 80 in Valencia![]()
I do trailbraking a lot in various types of corners. I didn't say that drivers or cars generally can't brake and turn. I only said it doesn't feel that good.Belatti wrote:Oh! and before I forget, the drivers who doesnt like "spiral" curves also sucks: they should improve trailbraking
Because 250m is the "magic radius" of Formula 1 cars? I mean, corners of radius bigger than 250m are full throttle in any recent F1 car with medium downforce settings.Ciro Pabón wrote:Belatti, few tracks have fast curves (250-400 m or radius). Why?
Spa paved areas at a medium speed curve (radius: 120 m). That's not a fast curve in my book, and that's gravel.
this picture looks like Pouhon. they put down tarmac there last year. Kimi went very wide over the new tarmac, illegaly actually in my view.Ciro Pabón wrote:...Belatti, few tracks have fast curves (250-400 m or radius). Why?
Spa paved areas at a medium speed curve (radius: 120 m). That's not a fast curve in my book, and that's gravel.