Well, I don't know how to thank you all for the fruitful comments in this thread.
Miguel, thanks, what a great post. As WB as said, I just mentioned the reasons Tilke might have and the costs it implies.
I don't like fast curves specially, I think that the character of a track depends on many things, but I love intermediate ones when I race. I don't like either the solution, rigged to a particular set of cars, under a particular set of regulations that has brought us the hairpins.
I prefer other kind of curves: with different radii, with continously variable radius, with slopes at the entrance and exit that make simulations difficult, with a mixture of vertical and horizontal curves, with bridges that allow you to cross the track itself and provide the same amount of turning in one direction as in the other.
I love variable sideslope across the width, with aggresive bankings, with special asphalts that provide you an extra-flat surface, with abbrasive surfaces in the safety zones, with continously reinforced slabs of concrete under the asphalt.
I like stands that allow spectators to watch the entire circuit, instead of a couple of curves, even dream of providing stands over the track and I would love to make a pitlane and garages that stand out, practically transparent, in such a way as to provide the people with the spectacle of mechanics and engineers working, instead of the hidden places I see today.
Heck, I even have though of stands buried or at a level that provide a different approach to watching races, perhaps behind banked curves (I don't know how the track surface could be made transparent, but hey, humankind will continue for a long time). Virtual reality on the stands? Where the computer screens of the future will take spectators? I don't know. At the same time I would like to see stands where people, instead of sitting on a bench could be laying on the grass, as God intended us to do when watching something.
I would like to see parking areas really far away from the track, tracks where only public transportation is allowed to reach the track, and not any kind of transportation: I dream of buses that educate people that love racing about how public transportation should be in their own cities.
I even would love to build coloured surfaces on the road, instead of the black ribbon we have today.
Over all, I would like to build a track right on a caribbean beach (instead of on a desert beach) a place of the world where I live and where there are no tracks worth mentioning (that I know).
That kind of circuits, if anyone is ever able to build them, will have their critics, the same way you and me can criticize Tilke's solutions. However, I inted to make works of art, earth and asphalt sculptures, paths that take your very soul somewhere else and that change somehow the way you see the world of racing, not just roads that go in circles.
So, yes, I also want to be an artist, like most architects and a few engineers; exactly like the racing engineers: we want to touch beauty. Who knows, maybe someday. I bet Tilke and his group feel the same.