My personal opinion (conceptual, don't blast me for passing opinion off as fact

I don't know if this is troll stuff, or if I'm adding petrol to the fire, but I think Lauda's comments have been rendered irrelevant by Father Time (**see below**). Every driver has a personality, obviously, but I think what Lauda is saying is that we don't see any practical jokes betwixt drivers like we used to, and we don't see any drivers throwing caution and the kitchen sink into the wind, living the 'rock-star' life per se. I remember seeing video of James Hunt asking for a fag after winning a Grand Prix, and seconds later, someone sticks a Marlboro in his mouth and he lights up. A driver nowadays might
want to do that, or he might
want to get faced straightaway, but the fact is he's
not allowed to.
Kimi's boat race? meh... Kubica, Alonso, Fisi and some others playing poker? meh...
****The truth is that current-day F1 is completely different than Lauda's F1. Now it is so much more a business (public image, sponsors, politically correct, $$$$). It is all about image, and these drivers are
supposed to have a clean, responsible, and correct image. Now more than ever,
these drivers are international role models, and much to Lauda's dismay, they all (mostly) behave as such--as they should do.
In sum, Lauda's comments are taken out of context, methinks....
I would review and re-edit my comments, but I've got a pizza burning in the oven!!!

Hope my comments aren't too off!

Best regards. I guess this explains why I'm not at my post!