2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


2022 will be to allow anyone who is substantially behind to catch up. 2023 will likely be pooled reliability development. Anything that anyone wants to improve has to be a unanimously approved common supplier part, and any secret they don't want to share will be "put out there". Because it's pooled, and requires unanimous approval, everyone will benefit from any update. Anything they want to keep secret, stays secret and not able to be upgraded.

If everyone switches to a split turbo setup, it will make the agreement easier to digest, as the layout will have similar features, and things like pumps and injectors can be mounted in common locations. Oil pumps, etc.
Saishū kōnā

Joined: 01 Oct 2020, 09:45

Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


JordanMugen wrote:
23 Feb 2021, 21:58
Concept livery of major Honda sponsorship:

Reality with major Honda sponsorship:

I'm not completely sold on the Honda emblem on the yellow background, it lacks contrast IMO but I guess it's fine. Hopefully they will decide to put it back to how it was before, and shuffle Citrix further up the nosecone.

I feel like this would look better:
Actually, that same honda emblem in redbull red instead of black would look awesome.
Oh how I wish honda stayed!! :roll:
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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


ryaan2904 wrote:
24 Feb 2021, 06:29

Actually, that same honda emblem in redbull red instead of black would look awesome.
Oh how I wish honda stayed!! :roll:
what is wrong with yellow :x


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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


CarNext.com and Max Verstappen: the making of the 2021 racing helmet Dutch

We’re sharing this exclusive first look at @Max33Verstappen 2021 racing helmet!
This year we’re sticking to what we know works best. Stay tuned to http://CarNext.com channels for more exclusive content. Who’s exciting for the new season? #expectmore
Verstappen himself says here about his new helmet design: "In 2021 I will ride with a 'white' helmet for the third year. Because why should I change something that is good? I just keep giving everything to get even better. Because the helmet might be largely stayed the same, but I always expect more. "

Edit: In English.

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


"A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."~William Shakespeare

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


I hope they get Max for the camera during the day. You can often tell from his facial expression what he thinks about something. He can say that everything went well, but if you really want to know what his mood is like, you have to look very carefully at his face. :D
If he is disappointed with the result, he usually looks to the side or at the floor. :wink:
Oh, and then he's rubbing his finger against his nose. :lol:
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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


When the adrenaline is kicking and one is excited it's hard to hide. It's very hard to hide actual emotions because they're subtle, unlike sentimentality which is often mistaken for emotions. Sentimentality is the fake emotions you feel, when say, people argue on the internet. It's fleeting, the intense feeling vanishes as soon as the stimulus is removed. You "snap out of it", emotions on the other hand are like deep currents, calm on the surface, but guiding. For example the feeling that persists after not just winning a race, but winning it knowing you gave it your all. That feeling can last for days, that is a true emotion, it doesn't overwhelm you(it can at the moment), but it does put a little pep in your walk that lasts. That's a real emotion, or when you nearly crash, that tingling sensation that lingers for hours, that's real emotion.

Much like these formula 1 engines, true emotion is not controlled directly, it controls you, and to control it, you must control it indirectly. Your environment is such a large part of how you form emotions, that controlling your environment is a huge step in developing your real emotions. Your own conscious volition has very little impact on your emotions, your real emotions are guided by your relationship to your environment. Your own conscious volition has a very small, but measurable impact, which means that if you want your conscious volition to have a BIG impact, you have to make a lot of small measurable impacts.
Saishū kōnā

Joined: 11 Apr 2015, 16:06

Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


I like the fact that Red Bull are revealing very little, if nothing of the RB16B......all very hush hush! Checo sounded very positive after the shakedown

Last edited by teemah on 24 Feb 2021, 22:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


Saishū kōnā

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


Doesn't say much, any body language experts want to throw in their two cents? Shrugging your shoulders usually means you don't know. Hard to tell facial expressions through the mask.

"Most important thing is to go through testing with no issues...it'll be fine..."

The critical drinker recommends! :lol:
Saishū kōnā

Joined: 11 Apr 2015, 16:06

Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


Excerpt from RACEFANS https://www.racefans.net/2021/02/24/pic ... lverstone/ in which Checo describes, very...very briefly, his experience driving the elusive RB16B, spoiler alert, he's giving nothing away....

8) “Driving a new car is always special – for the driver and also for the team,” said Perez. “They have been working so hard through the winter, so to finally take the car on track, it’s quite an emotional day.
“I think there is a lot of potential. The conditions were not great but it was nice to get a feeling for the car. It’s pretty exciting. Earlier this week I drove the RB15 but today I could feel a step in overall grip and top speed.”
Last edited by teemah on 25 Feb 2021, 00:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


teemah wrote:
24 Feb 2021, 22:18
I like the fact that Red Bull are revealing very little, if nothing of the RB16B......all very hush hush! Checo sounded very positive after the shakedown

Yeah they have glued their cards to their chest. Although the engine note around 1:12... is that a little different than we are used to???

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Re: 2021 Red Bull Racing F1 Team


GhostF1 wrote:
25 Feb 2021, 00:39
teemah wrote:
24 Feb 2021, 22:18
I like the fact that Red Bull are revealing very little, if nothing of the RB16B......all very hush hush! Checo sounded very positive after the shakedown

Yeah they have glued their cards to their chest. Although the engine note around 1:12... is that a little different than we are used to???
Yep, engine sounds so tight and sweeter than honey :wink: