another plane that was out of control before it left the ground (Spitfire-mockers might note) was the Tornado/Typhoon
(as I've said before a wide-track undercarriage isn't a magic problem-solver)
the Tornado prototype (though designed to do so) couldn't be kept straight during take-off runs (at Langley)
so for 6 months its pilot Phillip Lucas used his own curved path that only met the runway at the point of take-off
(with the Typhoon prototype Mr Lucas avoided this due to immediate in-flight structural failures)
similarly the (production) Typhoon I was in AFDU Report 37 (30.10.1941) said to be ....
incapable of takeoff in a starboard crosswind ('such operations should be avoided')
and the Tempest II required according to CFE Report 30 (5.7.1945) ......
to contain the swing 'the throttle must be opened slowly'
the swing is also mentioned as a factor in night landings
btw too many Mosquito crew died in this situation
(someone wrote that one night group used their own low rpm to avoid this - less 'gyroscopic' torque of course)
(on TV an ex-Mossie Canadian said in prime adspeak that it was - 'unforgiving of those who under-controlled it')
an outstanding read .....
I flew with a Buchon owner
afaik the 109 'handed' fin that Wiki worship says Buchons kept exactly (or the rudder) was actually realigned to compensate
the Typhoon's conspicuously low stalling speed was presumably because max Cl rises with wing % thickness ....
and the Tempest's benign near-stall behaviour screams out that the aerofoil wasn't really 'laminar'
(and I see that the Wiki gang talks nonsense about Merlin negative g cuts - a restrictor cures rich cuts)
the Tornado (Vulture) engine seems to have been debugged eventually - and 'Merlinised' bore' 5.4" x 5.5" work started
the V was lighter than the Sabre ? - one crankshaft being lighter than two
btw a non-work acquaintance told me the BAe Tornado ADV radar installation mock-up BAe gave to GEC was wrong
ie this was the reason the radar as designed and made by GEC wouldn't fit in the BAe Tornado ADV plane